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before Pasteur came to the same realization at the end of his life. Beauchamp felt that the ecology of the
blood and tissues played the critical role in deciding whether disease conditions would manifest or not.
In 1883 Beauchamp boldly declared, “The primary cause of disease is in us, always in us.”
We are all exposed to microbes in our body 24 hours a day, throughout our lifetime. In fact, we have more
microorganisms in our body than we have cells. Some are dependent on oxygen; others are not. Basically,
some microorganisms help us to digest our food and manufacture important substances like vitamin B12,
while others help to break down waste materials, such as fecal matter. Without them we would “drown”
in a pool of garbage. Obviously, to survive we need both types of microorganisms, and we breed them
inside the body. Beauchamp’s work demonstrated that if the acid/alkaline balance (pH) of the body
tipped toward acidity, the body produced more “food” for the destructive germs to feed upon, and the risk
of becoming sick increased.
In his experiments, Beauchamp was able to prove the existence of pleomorphism, primitive microbes
which exist in every person’s blood and cells. These can alter their form to appear as different germs.
Hence, primitive, harmless microbes live in a strong and healthy alkaline pH but morph themselves into
bacteria when the pH changes to become mildly acidic. These bacteria, in turn, become fungi when the
pH rises to a level of medium acidity. Finally, fungi become viruses when they are exposed to a strong
acid pH. The body’s pH moves from alkalinity toward acidity when acidic metabolic waste products, dead
cell material, blood proteins, and toxins are trapped and accumulate in the body’s fluids and tissues. The
result is a toxicity crisis, which is nothing other than the body’s attempt to return to a more alkaline state.
Infection is one of the body’s most effective means of getting over a toxicity crisis, unless the
immune system has already been compromised to a point of no repair, as was common during the Middle
Ages when the plague killed millions of malnourished and immune-deficient people. Microbes get out of
control only when the level of toxicity in the body is extremely high. In such a case, short-term medical
intervention would be justified. The treatment should, however, be accompanied or preceded by cleansing
the body from toxins and waste material. Suppressing an infection with prescription drugs can have severe
consequences that sometimes may show up years later as heart disease, rheumatism, diabetes, or cancer.
This also applies to painkillers—the most commonly used medication in the world today.

Painkillers—The Beginning Of A Vicious Cycle

“Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of nature's protest, and pull down the
danger signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the
system has to be reckoned with later on even though it palliates present symptoms. Pain may
disappear, but the patient is left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time.” ~
Daniel. H. Kress, M.D.
Taking painkillers, unless it is absolutely necessary for extremely painful conditions, is an act of
suppressing and destroying the healing intelligence of the body. When ill, the body may require pain
signals to trigger the appropriate immune response for the removal of toxins from a localized area and to
prevent the individual from further harming himself. Pain is not a disease and should therefore not be
treated as one. Pain is the body’s natural response to congestion and the subsequent dehydration and
malnourishment of the cells and tissues. It occurs in the presence of toxic material and is often
accompanied by infection. In most cases, a pain signal occurs when one of the brain’s first aid hormones,
called histamine, is secreted in large amounts and passes over the pain nerves near or alongside a
congested area.
The body also uses histamines to reject foreign materials such as viral particles or toxic substances
and to direct other hormones or systems in the body to regulate water distribution. The latter function of

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