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whether the milk is raw or pasteurized; the dead cells remain in the milk. However, since bacteria are
attracted to dead cells, and raw milk is not pasteurized, the latter is more susceptible to bacterial
In July 2007, the U.S. Department of Agriculture tested raw milk from 861 farms in 21 states.
According to their report, nearly a quarter of the samples contained illness-causing bacteria, including five
percent with listeria, three percent with salmonella, and four percent with less dangerous types of E. coli.
Regardless of the real figures of contamination, either type of milk comes with its own risks. Again, if
you are not sure about milk’s health benefits for you, apply the muscle test and your body may give you
some good clues about it. Or take a look at your tongue in the morning after consuming milk or cheese the
day before. If it is coated white, you should avoid them. A white coating on the tongue indicates mucus
aggravation in the gut, which in turn reflects turmoil in the digestive system. In my own case, eating lots
of raw whole milk and cheese led to years of painful juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, constipation, lymphatic
congestion, heart disease, anemia and a lot of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder. Soon after I quit
eating foods derived from animals, my health returned to normal.

As in every respect, vegans appear to enjoy equal or better health
in comparison to both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.
~T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. Professor of Nutrition, Cornell University

6. Aspartame And Other Sweet Killer Drugs

Aspartame is the sweetener in Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi and thousands of “diet” foods. Donald Rumsfeld,
who once was the CEO of a major drug company, managed to bring this poisonous food/drug to market
during the Reagan administration. He used his political influence to quash an FDA toxicologist's report
naming aspartame as a cause of not only cancer, but brain tumors as well. In 1996 the Food and Drug
Administration published a list of 92 adverse aspartame reactions that included seizures, blindness,
obesity; testicular, mammary and brain tumors; sex dysfunction, and death, acquired from 10,000
consumer complaints.
Through clever advertising campaigns the world population was made to believe that aspartame and all
the other artificial sweeteners are just simple, harmless, food additives that give you the sweet taste, but
help you keep slim, or even shed some extra pounds. However, the sweeteners are actually patented for
“appetite enhancement.” And these drugs really do what they promise — they make you crave
carbohydrates, and thereby make you fat.
And now, the aspartame drug has even been patented to treat sickle cell anemia, one of the many
diseases it is responsible for causing. Researcher Carl Manion found that a single dose of aspartame
lowered the sickle cell count in the blood. Aspartame metabolizes into formic acid, a blister poison that
transfers from cell to cell killing all them and leaving a blister of dead tissue.
Aspartame is a synergistic methanol poison. Methanol is known to cause serious birth defects and
major developmental disorders such as autism and attention deficit in the offspring of aspartame users.
Ever since the 1950s when Aspartame, MSG, and fluoride were being pushed into our youth, along with
the harmful immunization programs, the IQ of the average high school graduate has fallen 10 percent.

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