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neutralized state inside fat cells and bodily fluids. Your health will improve automatically once you
remove the toxic waste products and keep the eliminative organs and systems open and clean. The focus
needs to be on moving toward good health, rather than on fighting ill health. Once you have learned the
lessons of creating health, you can easily turn your body into a finely tuned instrument that helps you
fulfill your desires and lead a life filled with happiness, vitality, abundance and wisdom.

8. Msg—The Obesity Factor

As a nation we are becoming increasingly dependent on processed foods, and each year the FDA
approves more and more chemicals as additives in food production. While some of these chemicals
increase shelf life of foods, others kill bacteria, improve taste, and replace fats and carbohydrates, enhance
flavor and color of foods, and much more. Although adding chemicals to natural foods is not really
necessary, it certainly increases profits many times. The unsuspecting consumer has no clue that some of
the chemicals they ingest in their delicious meals are neurotoxic and/or carcinogenic (cancer-causing).
One of the most dangerous poisons is MSG (processed free glutamic acid).
In a 1968 study conducted at Washington University Medical School, laboratory mice that were fed
MSG subsequently developed retinal damage and became grotesquely obese. The mice had lesions in the
hypothalamus of the brain—the part that is prominently involved with the functions of the autonomic
nervous system and endocrine system. Hormonal imbalances often lead to obesity.
As of May 13, 2004 more than 150 studies confirmed this earlier piece of research. There are now
more studies on the effects of MSG on the hypothalamus leading to obesity than on the effects of aspartic
acid. During animal studies neuroscientists found that glutamic acid and aspartic acid (40 percent of
aspartame) load on the same receptors in the brain, and cause identical brain lesions and neuro-endocrine
disorders. The victims usually develop compulsive eating habits.
MSG can easily pass through the blood-brain barrier in newborns and young children. A fetus is
almost completely unprotected against toxic compounds. Many diseases, aging, and overuse of medical
drugs, regular ingestion of food additives, such as aspartame and MSG, can all damage the blood-brain
barrier and the brain itself. Since most of the processed foods contain MSG, as do many personal care
items, supplements and pharmaceuticals, it is almost impossible for an expectant mother to protect her
baby from being affected.
Following birth, an infant is exposed to MSG and, possibly, aspartic acid through childhood
vaccinations. All infant formulas contain some free glutamic acid and free aspartic acid. An infant on a
hypoallergenic soy-based formula will ingest more excitotoxic amino acids (glutamic acid, aspartic acid,
and L-cysteine) per day than is contained in any serving of food found on grocery store shelves.
MSG is most often added to common foods under names that give consumers no clue to its presence.
(Refer to the list of other names following.) Both MSG and aspartame cause lesions in the hypothalamus,
the portion of the brain that is recognized to affect weight. If you are concerned about your weight and
that of your children, I suggest you start identifying the sources of MSG in your grocery shopping cart,
before taking them home.
Dietary supplements, processed food used by vegetarians, and products labeled “organic” are some of
the industry's favorite places for hiding MSG. California proposes legislation to allow more crops to be
sprayed with MSG. Like so many other live virus vaccines, the nasal spray flu vaccine called FluMist
contains MSG in the form of monosodium glutamate. Monosodium glutamate is described as a "mutagen
and reproductive effector" by the Centers for Disease Control in their Registry of Toxic Effects of
Chemical Substances.

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