
(avery) #1

More and more personal care products that are labeled “organic” actually contain free glutamic acid
(MSG). Soon soaps, shampoos, and other body care products will have glutamate surfactants in them, as
well as products that contain hydrolyzed proteins. Much of that MSG will enter your body through the

The following is a list of some common names that MSG hides behind:

ƒ Monosodium Glutamate
ƒ Monopotassium Glutamate
ƒ Hydrolyzed Protein
ƒ Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
(vegetable and animal)
ƒ Plant Protein Extract
ƒ Textured Protein
ƒ Hydrolyzed Corn Gluten
ƒ Yeast Extract
ƒ Autolyzed Yeast
ƒ Yeast Nutrient
ƒ Yeast Food
ƒ High Flavored Yeast
ƒ Calcium Caseinate
ƒ Sodium Caseinate

ƒ Textured Soy Protein
ƒ Malt Extract
ƒ Malt Flavoring
ƒ Bouillon
ƒ Broth
ƒ Stock
ƒ Flavoring
ƒ Natural Flavoring
ƒ Seasoning
ƒ Accent
ƒ Textured Soy Protein
ƒ Soybean Extract
ƒ Hydrolyzed Oat Flour
ƒ Glutamic Acid
ƒ Gelatin (which includes Jell-O)

On a final note, the common myth as to whether “bad genes” are responsible for obesity was dispelled
by a group of scientists in New Zealand. In what is referred to as a breakthrough discovery, scientists
from Auckland University’s Liggins Institute discovered that genetic predisposition to obesity, which is
caused by poor dietary habits of the mother, can be reversed through good nutrition in early childhood. If
genes were responsible for causing obesity, it would not be possible to reverse it.

9. Microwave Oven—Death In The Heat

Did you ever wonder what microwaves can do to water, food and your body? Russian researchers
have found decreased nutritional value, cancer-making compounds and brain-damaging radiolytics in
virtually all microwave-prepared foods. Eating microwave-prepared meals can also cause loss of memory,
concentration, emotional instability and a decline in intelligence, according to the research. The Russian
scientists also found decreased nutritional value—or significant dimming of their “vital energy field”—in
up to 90 percent of all microwave-prepared foods.
In addition, the B complex, C and E vitamins linked with stress-reduction and the prevention of cancer
and heart disease, as well as the essential trace minerals needed for optimum brain and body functioning,
were all rendered useless by microwaves, even at short cooking durations. Microwave-cooked food is
basically reduced to the nutritional equivalent of cardboard. If you don’t want to develop nutrient
deficiencies, you may be better off throwing this appliance out of your kitchen. The radiation has been
found to accumulate in the kitchen furniture, becoming a constant source of radiation in itself.
Microwave usage in the preparation of food has been found to lead to lymphatic disorders and an
inability to protect the body against certain cancers. The research found increased rates of cancer cell

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