
(avery) #1

  • carbob black

  • xylene

  • hexone

  • hexone 2

    • thixon-OSN-2

    • rubber

    • acid atrearic

    • zinc oxide

      • naptha (rubber solvent)

      • phenol

      • methylene chloride

      • benzene

If you are concerned about getting breast cancer, it is best to avoid anything that is as unnatural as the
above substances/chemicals. Women can actively contribute to a carefree future by taking care of their
bodies’ daily needs and requirements. (Also see “Cancer –Who Makes It,” Chapter 10).
What about Saline Implants? Saline implants aren’t much better than silicone implants. Plastic
surgeons like Susan Kolb, M.D., Atlanta, have seen the implants turn black, darkened by a fungus. The
fungus can easily migrate into the blood causing severe symptoms of illness, including suicidal
tendencies. The risks are real and serious, and the complication rate is extraordinarily high. And it makes
sense why this danger exists. The labels on 1-quart bottles of saline IV solution recommend storage at 77
degrees and include a discard date of about 18 months. With implants, the saline is stored in the body at
98.6 degrees Fahrenheit degrees for years, which naturally makes it a perfect medium for fungi and other
microbes to grow. Many women have had their saline implants for 10 or more years, and are suffering
from unexplained symptoms of illness and sub-clinical infections. Women with saline implants complain
about the same autoimmune problems that those with silicone-gel sacs experience.

Can You Trust Medical Laboratories?

Some of the weakest points in the field of medical diagnosis concern the bacteriological tests
conducted in medical laboratories. In 1975, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States
released the findings of an investigation of medical laboratories throughout the country and published the
following results:

  • 10-15 percent of the bacteriological tests were insufficient.

  • 30-35 percent of the simplest clinical tests turned out to be false.

  • 12-18 percent of tests to determine the correct blood groups and blood types, and 20-30 percent of
    tests to determine the blood serum and hemoglobin levels were incorrect.

  • Over one-quarter of all tests showed faulty results.

  • 31 percent of the laboratories were not even capable of detecting a simple form of anemia.

  • Other laboratories falsely found infectious mononucleosis (glandular fever) in one out of every
    three tested persons. Between 10 and 20 percent of the laboratories detected leukemia (blood
    cancer) in samples that were free of it.

Another countrywide American study showed that over 50 percent of the laboratories with “high
standards” and permission to conduct all different types of medical tests did not fulfill national
requirements. The worst results surfaced during a study when 197 out of 200 tested persons with
abnormal test results turned out to be completely healthy after they were tested a second time! It may be
added that the CDC study investigated only the best laboratories, which make up less than ten percent of
the total number of medical labs in the United States.
In 1989, an editorial in the Lancet bluntly announced that many routine laboratory diagnostic tests are
a waste of time and money. One study showed that the diseases of only six out of 630 patients were
diagnosed from routine blood and urine tests. In another major study involving 1,000 patients, only 1
percent benefited from routine blood and urine tests.

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