
(avery) #1

fish in a lake in Dallas, Texas. Brooks speculated that the fluoxetine made its way from the urine of
Prozac users through a water treatment plant and into the lake.
Researchers from the University of Toronto recently published a study in the Lancet, showing that all
classes of antidepressants are dangerous for the elderly (aged 66 and over) to take, and will greatly
increase their risk of falling and fracturing a hip.
In recent years, the herb Saint John’s-Wort, or Hypericum perforatum, has been recommended by
numerous psychiatrists for their patients suffering depression. The herb, which is often taken in pill form,
is at least as effective as Prozac and other antidepressants, and has few or no side effects.
A staggering 4 million children a day line up at their school nurse's office for their daily afternoon
doses of Ritalin. Starting millions of small children on a prescription drug for attention deficit disorder
without ever taking a moment to seek out the root cause of the problem being treated is a true form of
“medical negligence.” While taking Ritalin or a similar medication will bear results practically overnight,
it could take several weeks or months to figure out the root causes behind the behavior. In so many cases,
it is sugar, insulin resistance, and poor nutrition that are causing the mental irritation, poor concentration
and nervousness. Giving the child more loving attention is often enough to make him feel safe and secure
and to help restore his emotional and physical balance.

Steroids, Arthritis Drugs, and NSAID's

A medical investigation in the United States has shown that three times more people die from legal
prescription drugs than from illegal narcotic drugs, such as heroin and cocaine. This study does not
account for the contra-indications of the drugs, which kill at least 30,000 a year in the U.S. These are
people who take medications, but have conditions (including drug allergies) that would cause these drugs
to be dangerous for them. It is nearly impossible to determine how many people are being hospitalized
because of contra-indications from drugs, but careful official estimates indicate that they make up about 5
percent of all lying in American and British hospitals today. Steroids belong to another group of drugs
that were formerly used only for extreme, life-threatening conditions. Today, they are used for minor
problems such as sunburn, skin eruptions, acne and glandular fever. Patients are rarely aware of the
dangers that may arise from taking these drugs. Side effects include high blood pressure, stomach ulcers
with possible perforation of the stomach wall (this is how my father died), cramps and dizziness, inhibited
growth in children within six weeks of taken the drugs, irregular menstruation, weakening of muscular
strength, slowed healing of wounds, vision problems, skin atrophy, allergic shock, loss of libido, decrease
in bone density, manic depression, and the emergence of latent diabetes. Steroids are now handed out,
even for babies, at the first sign of inflammation of any kind. But these drugs cannot cure a single
condition; all they do is stop the body from responding to an abnormal condition. The new diseases
caused by such drugs may require further treatment using even stronger drugs, thus adding more side
effects to the ones that have already occurred.
The latest “breakthrough” drugs for arthritis produce such strong side effects that it might be better to
live with arthritis than to risk one’s life. The manufacturer of one popular brand known as Butazolidin
alka was obliged to warn the consumer that this particular drug was very strong and had led to cases of
leukemia (cancer of the blood) even after short term use. Additionally, the drug can have 92 side effects
including hepatitis, high blood pressure, dizziness and unconsciousness, as well as headaches. The
manufacturer advises the attending physician to enlighten his patients about the possible dangers that can
arise from taking the drug, particularly if they are over 40 years old, and to use the smallest possible, but
still effective, dosage. The manufacturers admit that the drug can cause serious and life-threatening
reactions while having no effect on improving the condition of the disease!

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