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combined drug has no less serious side effects than estrogen does alone. On the other hand, natural
progesterone, as contained in wild yam, for example, has no negative side effects. If it is applied
topically in the form of a cream, it can drastically reduce menopausal symptoms and rebuild bone. Natural
progesterone affects the bone-building cells whereas estrogen affects the cells in control of bone
reabsorption. For this reason, HRT can only temporarily reduce the rate of bone density loss; it cannot
stimulate the body’s bone-building cells to produce more bone material.
The body is extremely reluctant to utilize synthetic drugs. It knows what it natural and what is fake.
Hence the difference of effects between natural and synthetic progesterone. The main reason for poor
progesterone production in the body is congestion in the liver, reproductive organs, and other organs of
elimination, as well as an unbalanced diet and lifestyle

What Really Causes Brittle Bones?

An increasing number of health practitioners and women recognize that meat, milk and cheese, instant
soups and puddings, carbonated beverages, sugar and other stimulants such as caffeine and tobacco,
alcohol and chocolate can remove calcium and other minerals from the bones faster than they can be
absorbed or synthesized by the body. Consuming such foods contributes to osteoporosis more than a
decrease in hormones does (if the hormonal decreases affect done density at all). The rate of urinary
calcium excretion, for example, increases significantly after the consumption of a high protein meal, that
is, one consisting of meat. According to a 1988 study of 1600 women, published in the American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition, vegetarians have more bone density than age-matched meat eaters. Another safe
way to increase bone mineral density is exercise. Research, published in 1996 in the Lancet, shows that
weight-bearing (as opposed to aerobic) exercise can substantially increase bone mineral density by
between 14 and 37 percent.
Calcium absorption is directly linked with the hormonal form of vitamin D, which is synthesized
through sunlight. Lack of exposure to sunlight alone can lead to bone density loss. Also, excessive
exercise and activity (anything that causes exhaustion) deplete the body’s calcium stores. One of the main
reasons for decreased availability of calcium in the body is diminished bile secretion in the liver due to the
accumulation of gallstones in its bile ducts. Without enough bile, calcium cannot be absorbed properly.
To meet all the calcium requirements of the bones the body has to rely on its own abilities to produce this
mineral. For example, the enzyme alkaline phosphatase works with magnesium to produce calcium-
crystals in the bone. Women on HRT have the lowest levels of alkaline phosphatase and are therefore not
able to produce enough new bone tissue. (HRT only prevents the loss of old bone).
The body’s original design does not include the premature destruction of its own skeleton. If it
becomes weak or is destroyed, this is due to factors other than hormone deficiency, such as gallstone
accumulation in the liver, a highly acidic diet and lack of simple weight-bearing exercise. Menopause is a
natural phenomenon for which the body is well prepared, provided its basic metabolic functions have not
been interfered with.

Can Hrt Prevent Heart Disease?

Claims that HRT protects against coronary heart diseases are highly spurious. Why should we believe
that while estrogen in the contraceptive pill is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, in
HRT it prevents this very condition? To achieve clarify in the midst of so much confusion, a group of
Dutch scientists analyzed 18 major HRT studies. They found that women on HRT were healthier than
non-users, not because they were taking HRT, but because they represented a segment of society that

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