
(avery) #1

Treat Your Body Kindly

Energy boosting therapies such as yoga, shiatsu, reflexology, meditation and relaxation exercises, and
brisk walking may make you more comfortable during menopause. In fact, this time period may even
become one of the most rewarding stages in a woman’s life. Although in some cases, hormone
replacements can give almost instant relief of symptoms, they unwittingly allow toxins to build up to the
point of saturation. This becomes the cause of more serious illness later, such as cancer or thrombosis.
HRT does not correct metabolic imbalances in the body. On the contrary, it interferes with the body’s
own synthesis of hormones, upsets basic digestive and metabolic functions, and causes strong withdrawal
symptoms once it is discontinued.
Some of the most effective herbal compounds to regulate menstruation, ease menopausal symptoms
and maintain proper hormone production by the pituitary gland include black cohosh, agnus castus and
false unicorn root, best utilized when taken together. Agnus castus is known for safely removing fibroids,
cysts and endometriosis. Taking 25-35 drops of agnus castus tincture with water each day for three
months can normalize and stabilize female hormone production. Another effective natural alternative to
HRT is pfaffia. Wild yam root, applied topically, may relieve hot flashes almost immediately. Evening
primrose oil also helps the ovaries maximize their output of estrogen during the early stages of
menopause. For those who still don’t find relief, maca root may be the answer; it jogs the pituitary and
hypothalamus and balances hormones in the body. Maca root has helped to reduce hot flashes by 80
percent. Start taking two teaspoons per day, one in the morning and one in the late afternoon. Since maca
has an energizing effect, you should avoid it too close to bedtime. When symptoms die down, reduce your
intake to a ¾ teaspoon twice daily. Mix it with juice or take it in capsule form, as its taste is somewhat
Still, the best preventive action for reducing or avoiding menopausal symptoms is cleansing the liver,
colon and kidneys. Removing the hundreds or thousands of gallstones that are typically found in the liver
bile ducts of almost every middle-aged American woman today not only helps to make the menopausal
experience smoother and more comfortable, but it also greatly reduces the risk of the following ailments:
bowel cancer; ovarian, uterine and breast cancer; cardiovascular disease; osteoporosis; breast cysts and
breast tenderness; polycystic ovary syndrome; endometriosis; heavy menstrual bleeding; fibroid
symptoms; constipation; varicose veins; gallstones; and premenstrual symptoms. For details, see my
book The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush.
Menopausal problems can be an opportunity for a woman to put her life in order on all levels.
Menopause brings to the surface whatever issues a woman may not have dealt with successfully while she
was busy taking care of her family or career. The midlife phase doesn’t need to be a midlife crisis.
Instead, it can be a woman’s greatest opportunity to deal with any unresolved issues in her life, thereby
freeing her from all kinds of limitations—physical, emotional and spiritual. The first and most important
step in that direction is to know that menopause isn’t a disease and that the body isn’t doing anything
wrong. Supporting it and treating it with kindness and respect during this important time in a woman’s
life can make all the difference.

  1. What Makes Medical Drugs so Expensive?

Thanks to Judicial Reform Investigations (JRI) we now know why pharmaceutical drugs are so
expensive. Some companies claim the active ingredients of the drugs cost a lot, which leads to the high
prices. Many drugs sell for more than $2 per tablet. JRI did some investigating and located the offshore

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