
(avery) #1

Topics of the book include:

  • Reasons the body is forced to develop cancer cells

  • How to identify and remove the causes of cancer

  • Why most cancers disappear by themselves, without medical intervention

  • Why radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery never cure cancer

  • Why some people survive cancer despite undergoing dangerously radical treatments

  • The roles of fear, frustration, low self-worth, and repressed anger in the origination of cancer

  • How to turn self-destructive emotions into energies that promote health and vitality

  • Spiritual lessons behind cancer

HHeeaarrtt DDiisseeaassee NNoo MMoorree!!
Make Peace with Your Heart and Heal Yourself
(Excerpted from this book)

DDiiaabbeetteess^ - -^ NNoo MMoorree!!^
Discover and Heal Its True Causes
(Excerpted from this book)

EEnnddiinngg TThhee AAIIDDSS MMyytthh
It’s Time To Heal The TRUE Causes!
(Excerpted from this books)

Heal Yourself with Sunlight
Use Its Secret Medicinal Powers to Help Cure Cancer,
Heart Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes, Arthritis,
Infectious Diseases, and much more.
(Excerpted from this book)

Hear the Whispers, Live Your Dream (July 2008)
A Fanfare of Inspiration

All books are available as paperback copies and electronic books
through the Ener-Chi Wellness Center

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