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suffocation. Despite the various treatments she had received, all of which consisted of painkillers,
antibiotics and strong anti-inflammatory drugs, including cortisone, her condition worsened progressively.
Since there were no signs of improvement, her doctors increased the dosage of the drugs at regular
intervals. Her face and body were covered with spots that she scratched to the bleeding point during the
night. She had several other symptoms, including strong menstrual cramps, headaches and severe lower-
back pain.
After examining Jenny through the methods of Ayurveda pulse reading and eye interpretation
(iridology) and listening to her medical history, I pointed out to her that her intestinal troubles were
caused by what she was eating. Jenny consistently consumed highly acid-forming foods and beverages
that had strong irritating effects on the intestinal lining and led to major blockages of the liver’s bile ducts
with intrahepatic gallstones. (See Chapter 3 for details.) In addition, the strong prescription drugs she
ingested every day interfered with her body’s attempt to rid itself of the accumulated undigested, harmful
foods. Besides impairing the immune system, the poisonous compounds of the prescription medicines had
also removed large quantities of minerals and water from her tissues and cells. All medications have
diuretic effects. Without enough water, which is the principal means of transport and healing in the body,
the body faces a situation of crisis, namely, body drought or dehydration.
The severe congestion of her liver and intestinal tract and the general dehydration of Jenny’s body
caused most of her chronic complaints, including the pain in her head, back and lower abdomen. The
medicines led to a massive buildup of toxins and harmful bacteria in the intestines, as they had wiped out
nearly the entire population of her gut’s friendly, probiotic bacteria. Being a lively young person who
lived in a nightlife society (Cyprus), she had very little sleep during nighttime hours. Her irregular
sleeping habits and subsequent chronic fatigue made it difficult for her digestive system to cope with any
type of food, which further increased the toxicity in her intestinal tract.
I suggested a series of cleansing and rehydration procedures, along with a diet that corresponded to
her natural body type and physical condition, as well as a number of changes in her lifestyle that would
help rebalance her disturbed biological rhythms. In addition, I advised her to have emotional clearing
sessions to deal with the underlying patterns of fear and insecurity she had experienced since early
One month later, a checkup with her doctor revealed that the disease had “disappeared” and so had
all her skin problems and other symptoms. Twelve years later, she is still as healthy and radiant as can be.
She is now married and has two beautiful, healthy children. What I have learned from this and similar
cases is a simple understanding of healing that can be applied to almost every disease. I have summarized
this in the following statement:
“The symptoms of a disease cannot be the cause of the disease; they are its effects. Therefore, a
disease cannot be cured by merely removing its symptoms. The most effective way of dealing with
disease is to remove any energy-depleting factors that can interfere with the body’s ever-present effort to
return to its natural state of balance or equilibrium. Overeating, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, not drinking
enough fresh water, use of pharmaceutical drugs and stimulants, etc., all deplete the body’s energy
reserves and render it susceptible to a toxicity crisis that may involve bacterial, viral or fungal infections.
On the other hand, cleansing the body from accumulated waste material and establishing a healthy diet
and lifestyle, set the preconditions for the body to heal itself.”

Trusting In The Nature Of Your Body

Almost every so-called disease is a toxicity crisis that results from accumulating toxins to the level of
intolerance (the disease phase). The body is left with no choice but to find an outlet for these toxins. A

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