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toxicity crisis may be accompanied by various symptoms such as a headache, a cold, joint pain, a skin
rash, bronchitis or other types of infections. Any of these symptoms indicate that the body is attempting to
rid its most congested parts of harmful toxic substances. Once the immune system has lowered toxicity to
below the level of tolerance, which may differ from person to person, the symptoms begin to disappear
again (the healing phase). All of life moves in cycles, and there is no exception to this law. One of the
most unfortunate side effects of medical intervention is that it prevents the natural cycle of disease and
healing to be completed. This is how the well known physician Henry Lindlahr poignantly summarized
this basic medical truth: “The greatest part of all chronic disease is created by the suppression of acute
disease by drug poisoning.” Being satisfied with merely suppressing symptoms leaves us with many
diseases today for which the causes remain obscure. The healing phase that naturally follows a toxicity
crisis never even has a chance to occur.
If a simple cold is not allowed to take its natural course, the next time you suffer a cold and try to
suppress it, it may turn into a chronic catarrh. Further interference with the body’s healing efforts can turn
the catarrh into pneumonia. Pneumonia can be fatal if the elimination of toxic secretions is undermined
through suppressive drugs. Likewise, a recurring migraine may one day become a mental breakdown;
high blood pressure can turn into a heart attack; and a stomach catarrh may develop into a cancer.
If we would allow a toxicity crisis to go through its natural stages of development and resolution, and
if we also stopped depleting the body’s energy resources, disease would rarely arise, and it would not
become necessary to fight it when it did. A toxicity crisis may, however, lead to serious complications if
the ill person prevents his body from successfully clearing out any waste products or noxious substances
that have congested his eliminative organs or systems for some time. These include the liver, colon,
kidneys, lymphatic system, skin and lungs.
Patients who take the seemingly more effective, fast and convenient “shortcut” of medical
intervention to restore their health may remember their illness with apprehension while continuing to live
with a subconscious fear of a possible recurrence. But those who are cured by their body’s natural healing
powers are more likely to recall their illness as an experience of great emotional and physical release,
which greatly increased their self-confidence and well-being. Having recovered their health by trusting
and supporting their body’s own healing ability, they may also have made a quantum leap in personal
development. Many patients report that their natural recovery from an illness led to major improvements
in their attitude toward life in general and their relationships with others.
A toxicity crisis can be a unique opportunity to balance out old karma and bring about positive
changes on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels of life. By entrusting your own body with the
healing process, a new sense of freedom begins to dominate your awareness, and old fears and anxieties
start to dissipate. The tactic of fighting a disease until the end is not only unnecessary but also reinforces
the false belief system that true healing occurs only rarely or is a matter of luck. Research has confirmed
quite the contrary: Over 80 percent of all illnesses disappear completely on their own. This, of course, is
due to the body's innate healing capabilities.
To assist the body’s healing efforts while going through a toxicity crisis, it is important to take a
natural purgative, colonic irrigation or at least an enema each day to release accumulated toxic waste in
the intestinal tract. It is also good advice to keep one’s feet warm, get complete rest, and avoid watching
television (due to its stimulating and dehydrating effects). Eating food during the crisis can interfere with
the healing process, since this uses up the energy the body tries to direct toward eliminating toxins. But
drinking plenty of warm water helps with the much needed cleansing and rehydration process in the body.
Also recommended is a warm bath before bedtime and, in case there is pain, a hot bath as often in the day
as is comfortable. To aid the healing process, regular exposure of one’s body to fresh air and natural
sunlight can be very beneficial, too, as both have strong immune-stimulating effects. These and similar

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