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following chapters. The colon and kidney cleanses outlined in Chapter 7, Employing Nature’s Healing
Powers, are an ideal preparation for a liver flush, too.
During a series of liver flushes, I passed about 3,000 small pea-sized green stones, hundreds of
chickpea sized and a dozen large ones of up to one inch (2.5 centimeters) in diameter. Subsequent flushes
during the following 5 years showed that my liver was completely clean. The effects of each flush were
often dramatic and added more and more benefits to the previous one(s). The overall results were that my
energy and vitality increased by at least three-fold, all discomfort, stiffness and pain in the body,
particularly in the back, ceased and digestion and elimination normalized. Speaking for myself, the liver
flush is the best thing I have ever done for my physical and mental well-being.
You may wonder why in mainstream medicine there is no medical knowledge or reference that deals
with gallstones in the liver. The reason for this extremely important missing link is that the theories of
modern medicine tell you that gallstones can only be formed in the gallbladder, and not in the liver. The
“experimental evidence” supporting this theory is mainly based on taking x-rays or ultrasound scans,
which can detect only the few stones in the gallbladder that may have grown to a certain size and are
calcified (mineral stones). Most diagnostic tools used today are not able to detect the hundreds or
thousands of non-calcified, hardened bile deposits in the liver and recognize them as intrahepatic
gallstones, as Johns Hopkins University does. As already mentioned, ultrasound scans can reveal fatty
deposits in the liver only when an excessive number of oversized stones (20,000 or more) are congesting
the liver bile ducts (fatty liver).
If you had a fatty liver and went to the doctor, she would tell you that you had excessive fatty tissue
in your liver. It is less likely, though, that she would tell you that you had intrahepatic gallstones (stones
obstructing the liver’s bile ducts). As mentioned before, most of the smaller stones in the liver are not
detectable through ultrasound or CT scans. Nevertheless, careful analysis of diagnostic images by
specialists would show whether some of the smaller bile ducts in the liver were dilated because of
obstruction. A dilation of bile ducts caused by larger and denser stones or by clusters of stones may be
detected more readily through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, unless there is an indication
of major liver trouble, doctors rarely check for intrahepatic stones. Unfortunately, although the liver is one
of the most important organs in the body, its disorders are underdiagnosed all too often. Even if the early
stages of a fatty liver or gallstone formation in the bile ducts were easily recognized and diagnosed,
today’s medical facilities offer no treatments to relieve this vital organ of the heavy burden it has to carry.
The presence of gallstones in the liver can easily be verified by anyone suffering from a chronic
illness, including those whose gallbladder has been removed. By performing a liver flush, the body will
release plenty of non-calcified, bile-coated stones. These stones are identical to the green non-calcified
stones found in a surgically removed gallbladder. When cut through their middle part, both these “types”
of gallstones bear typical age marks, similar to those seen in cut tree trunks. Proper analysis would reveal
their age and the kinds of toxins, chemicals and bacteria the body had or has to deal with most. Sweeping
the liver clean eliminates thousands of bits of poisonous substances that have helped form the stones and
plague the thousands of liver bile ducts. Cleansing the liver bile ducts from gallstones is one of the most
important and powerful procedures you can do to regain or improve your health.
Note: For further details on how cleansing the liver and gallbladder can make all the difference in the
treatment of disease and can improve your health and vitality, please refer to The Amazing Liver and
Gallbladder Flush. It will teach you how to remove painlessly up to several hundred gallstones at a time.
(The procedure is also provided in Chapter 7 of this book.) The size of the stones ranges from that of a
pinhead to a small walnut, and in some rare cases, a golf ball. The actual liver flush takes place within a
period of less than fourteen hours and can be done conveniently over a weekend at home. Chapter 1
explains in detail why the presence of gallstones in the bile ducts, both inside and outside the liver, can be

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