
(avery) #1

  • Overlapping of the upper eyelid.

  • Chronic pain in the lower back.

  • Swelling of feet and legs.

  • Constant fear or anxiety.

A number of herbs can effectively dissolve kidney stones within a period of three to six weeks. (See
“The Kidney Cleanse” in Chapter 7, Employing Nature’s Healing Powers.) Regardless of whether
someone has been diagnosed with kidney stones or not, doing a kidney cleanse once or twice a year has
tremendous curative and preventive benefits. The kidney cleanse not only improves overall physical
health, but also reduces stress, fear and anxieties.

4. What Makes You Weak Also Makes You Ill

Flu epidemics were rare 100 years ago. When they did occur, only the very poor and frail became
seriously ill or died. Now, there is a flu epidemic every year, and some of them can last all year round.
The theory that the flu strikes only during the fall (typically November, lasting through the winter months
December, January and February). is scientifically incorrect. If someone has the flu in April, he just calls
it “a cold,” despite the fact that the April and November flu versions share the same virus.
For clarification purposes, the story was a entirely different in 1918, when 20-40 million people,
mostly young adults, died during the “Spanish flu” pandemic. This pandemic, however, wasn't a natural
cleansing event so typical for the now yearly flu epidemics. The 1918 outbreak was directly linked with
the Great War (World War 1). The influenza A virus strain of subtype H1N1 behind the flu pandemic was
unusually severe and deadly. What made it that way? At no time in history was the world exposed to
such massive and 24-hour pollution created by the fumes and smoke resulting from continuous bomb and
grenade explosions, the burning of entire cities, the effects of mustard gases and other biological weapons
by Germans. Nobody remained uninfluenced by it.
The pollution created in Iraq today will affect every part of the globe within 24 hours, as the earth
rotates around its axis. In fact, part of the exhaust produced by a single car driven in Beijing this moment
will end up in your lungs tomorrow. This is a scientific fact. Pollution isn't an isolated phenomenon and it
wasn't back in 1918.
The flu spread even to the Arctic and remote Pacific islands. Viruses constantly adjust to the
conditions of the environment. This is known as viral mutation. Extreme and sudden changes from a
fairly clean atmosphere before World War I to the most heavy polluted atmosphere in human history also
created a sudden extreme viral behavior. Viruses are meant to keep the ecological balance intact, or help
restore it when it is upset.
Many of the 1918 pandemic victims were healthy young adults, in contrast to most influenza
outbreaks which predominantly affect juvenile, elderly, or otherwise weakened patients. The young
adults had the strongest immunity and, therefore, developed exaggerated immune reaction to the virus,
known as “cytokine storm” (a condition when the immune activates too many immune cells in a single
place in response to a new and highly pathogenic invader.). The very young and the elderly are not
capable of generating such powerful immune responses. A repeat of the 1918 is very unlikely unless we
will experience yet another catastrophic event, such as a nuclear or biological war that would suddenly
raise global pollution levels to another extreme level. Gradually increasing pollution levels may certainly
increase the incidence of flu outbreaks, but will unlikely trigger such extreme viral behavior as occurred
during the Great War.

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