
(avery) #1

toxins spread throughout the body. Wherever they occur in extremely high concentrations, they provoke a
toxicity crisis. Such a crisis indicates that the body’s resistance to disease (immunity) has dropped to a
level of low efficiency.
When the body is forced to hold on to too many toxins, it is also more prone to infection. If an
infection is treated through suppressive methods rather than supportive ones, chronic illness may result.
Chronic illness predisposes one to accelerated aging and premature death. Each time an infection is
suppressed, the subsequent congestion in the deeper-lying structures of the body increases the workload
of the heart, making it increasingly weak and stressed. Heart disease, which is the prevalent killer in most
countries of the industrialized world, could largely be prevented if we didn’t suppress immune responses
such as the common infection.
When a virus or bacterium, normally rendered harmless by the immune system, infects a person who
is filled with toxins, the infection itself proves that the immune system was already compromised prior to
the infection taking hold. For as long as an energy-depleting influence is maintained and toxicity and
dehydration continue to impair immunity, even the most powerful antibiotics won’t be able to stop the
infection permanently. As already mentioned, bacteria, viruses and fungi are not the real causes behind
infections, although this is what the patient is told. Infectious germs cannot thrive in a healthy, clean
environment. To do their work, which is to dispose of waste and destroy dead or damaged cells, they need
to be in a fertile environment—a terrain that offers them a job worth their while.
We have been led to believe that the most common and dangerous bacteria and viruses to humans
either already dwell within our bodies or live in our immediate surroundings such as the foods we eat, the
air we breathe, the bathrooms we use, the door handles we touch, the pets we cuddle, or the hospitals we
visit. What we are not told is that these microorganisms can strike only as long as the body is congested
and unable to remove its own toxic waste.
A patient who is trapped in the vicious cycle of infection-antibiotics-infection-antibiotics...can break
it and prevent further episodes of infection through a program of cleansing and resting. Both of these are
required to help the body eliminate accumulated toxic waste. Before starting on a cleansing protocol
though, I encourage people to identify any existing sources of energy-depletion in their lives and to
replace these with energy-increasing ones.
Today even many young people are suffering from chronic diseases, and unless they make some
drastic changes in their lives, they will find it difficult to ever be truly healthy. The body cannot heal if it
keeps accumulating new toxins faster than it can dispel them.
A friend of mine, a physician at the general hospital on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, was
involved in a research study on 721 secondary school children in Cyprus (1995). He told me that the
majority of the children his research team studied already had signs of hardened arteries. Another study
showed that 52 percent of primary school children in Cyprus are overweight or obese and have elevated
levels of blood cholesterol. This is quite a surprise, given the fact that not so many years ago, the
Mediterranean countries had some of the best health records in the world. This doctor also told me that
almost every child in Cyprus had at least once or twice received a course of antibiotics to suppress an
infection. Such a practice was unheard of in Cyprus before the 1970s.
Almost every modern country in the world is now reaping the deadly consequences of unhealthy
habits and inappropriate medical treatments. The United States spends about 1.5 trillion dollars each year
on health care, and projections indicate that this amount will double in less than ten years. Retail
pharmacies filled 3 billion prescriptions in 2000. Sadly, we don’t get much in return for all this money
and drug use. Instead, the U.S. ranks as only the 37th healthiest nation in the world. France tops the list.
[The French are very health conscious. The use of herbal remedies is widespread. Their health care

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