
(avery) #1

system is free for all citizens, and doctors receive bonuses for keeping their patients healthy and teaching
them how to stay that way.]
Almost all prescribed drugs have a suppressive effect. This means that they interfere with the body’s
attempt to break down the very toxins that make it susceptible to disease-causing agents. To regain its
balance, the body has to create a toxicity crisis, or disease. The current trend is toward chronic illness
among today’s youth, even in countries that have had excellent health records until recently. This trend is
so pronounced today that, should it continue unabated, almost all resources of future governments will be
spent on “sickness care.” Michael Moore’s famous documentary movie, Sicko, released in June 2007,
made an excellent presentation about that trend, although it fell short on telling us how to become and
stay healthy. Unless people like you and me take responsibility for our health and begin to practice real,
personalized “health care,” the disturbing trend toward chronic disease at younger and younger ages will

Illness Is A Toxicity Crisis

A toxicity crisis indicates a condition caused by the presence of bacterial toxins or other harmful
substances in the lymph, blood and tissues. It only occurs when the body has a pressing need to return to
the state of balance, or homeostasis. The body has a built-in mechanism that allows it to remove toxic,
harmful substances in a much shorter time than it takes to accumulate them. By interfering with this
process (called “disease”), we disrupt the body’s vital cleansing efforts and become vulnerable to
external, destabilizing influences or agents. A vaccine or medicinal drug, for example, can readily become
a trigger for damaging an organ or a system in the body. The weakest, most congested organ in the body
is mostly likely to be the first to malfunction. Any attempts to treat the diseased organ without removing
the underlying causes will not only fail to restore the organ’s full health and vitality, but most likely will
actually contribute to further complications.
Further on in this book you will learn why it is a potentially dangerous practice, in most cases, to treat
merely the symptoms of disease using such common medical protocol as giving blood transfusions to
people with low hemoglobin levels, treating the testicles for impotence, or cutting out ulcers and tumors.
The use of prescription drugs, which contain nothing to remove the toxins in the blood, lymph, and
tissues, may even kill a patient. This is because no doctor really knows for certain the toxicity and
congestion level in the body of his patient, which to a great degree determines the intensity of the body's
reaction to the drug and the gravity of its side effects. In an otherwise healthy person, the additional
poisons that infectious germs generate during an infection normally remain in the body only for as long as
the toxicity crisis lasts. Provided we support the body in its cleansing efforts by giving it plenty of rest
and enough water to drink, this natural self-healing process, falsely called “infectious disease,” naturally
eliminates all traces or effects of toxicity that can result from the microbial activity. The situation is
completely different in someone whose health has already been compromised.
As you would expect, you can only reap what you have sown in the past, but you certainly have a
choice about what you sow now and in the future. Unless you live in an impoverished country or
circumstances are highly antagonistic to living a healthful life, you can now begin to make positive and
educated choices with respect to taking care of your basic needs. Oftentimes, though, people feel they are
unable to let go of unhealthy habits or a detrimental lifestyle, usually because of unfulfilled desires,
feelings of inadequacy or a habit of putting themselves down.
The body has a hard time remaining healthy when it is abused by overstimulation of the mind, body
and senses. Such constant strain can deplete your energy resources faster than they can be replenished.
The permanent energy deficiency that results from such overuse of resources is the main cause of

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