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discomfort and disease in the body. Although most people now know how unhealthful and potentially
dangerous are such practices as smoking cigarettes, overeating, drinking alcohol excessively, not sleeping
enough and eating heavy meals in the evening, many seem unable to change their self-abusive ways. The
inability to let go of a harmful addiction indicates that the blood carries large amounts of impurities and
the liver is unable to remove these (mostly because of bile duct congestion). Both of these conditions can
be dealt with effectively through a series of liver flushes, as described in this book and in The Amazing
Liver & Gallbladder Flush. As the liver performs more efficiently again, the body’s natural instincts
begin to re-awaken and a sense of satisfaction and emotional stability returns. The enhanced sense of well
being and resultant vitality makes it much easier to quit smoking and working too many hours, or to stop
eating junk food and living on coffee.
Symptoms of ill health can occur in a variety of intensities and with numerous modifications. Trying
to locate the cause of an illness in its effects or via its symptoms is nearly impossible. Stomach ulcers,
appendicitis, tonsillitis, arthritis, congested arteries, cancer and most other illnesses merely indicate the
presence of various sources and degrees of toxicity. It is becoming more and more evident that congestion
and an increase in the acidity of the body’s fluids and tissues starve cells of basic nutrients, thereby
weakening and damaging them. The above “diseases” all share one common element—an inflammatory
response induced by the body itself. Inflammation does not just happen out of the blue, and it certainly is
not a disease. It occurs only if and when the body decides that it is necessary to destroy weak or damaged
cells that are contaminated with pathogenic material or toxins. The body does not choose an inflammatory
response because it intends to destroy itself. Instead, such a response is its most efficient way to save
itself from acidosis (extreme toxicity) or septic shock. The poisons generated by rotting cells (flesh) inside
the body would quickly kill the patient if the body did not initiate an inflammatory response to dispose of
them. Not knowing the true mechanisms of healing, doctors and patients alike tend to blame the body for
making the “mistake” of interfering with and preventing the seemingly uncontrolled decomposition of
some of it parts. Inflammation is the body’s genuine and intentional effort at self-preservation. It is an
integral and necessary part of almost every disease process, or shall I say, healing response.
This following is the definition of inflammation given by Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia:
“Latin, Inflammatio, to set on fire, is the complex biological response of vascular tissues to harmful
stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. It is a protective attempt by the organism to remove
the injurious stimuli as well as initiate the healing process for the tissue. Inflammation is not a synonym
for infection. Even in cases where inflammation is caused by infection it is incorrect to use the terms as
synonyms: infection is caused by an exogenous pathogen, while inflammation is the response of the
organism to the pathogen. In the absence of inflammation, wounds and infections would never heal and
progressive destruction of the tissue would compromise the survival of the organism.” For this very
reason, the current medical model, which is centered on suppressing inflammation, is unsuitable for the
treatment of the most common diseases. Suppressing the symptoms of illness though prescription drugs or
other medical procedures undermines the inflammatory responses the body requires to heal and save
Most diseases are inflammatory responses by the body. These include allergies, age-related frailty,
arthritis, asthma, Alzheimer’s disease, atherosclerosis, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, congestive heart
failure, dementia, depression, diabetes, heart attack, inflammatory bowel disease, kidney disease, lupus,
macular degeneration, osteoporosis, periodontal disease, obesity, skin disorders, stroke. Normally, the
body’s natural response to injury, irritation or invasion would never lead to such extreme illnesses.
However, our modern environment bombards us with stresses that trigger the inflammation response too
often. When overwhelmed with constant irritation, inflammation in the body takes on a life of its own and
becomes a permanent condition. This type of chronic inflammation occurs silently, and symptoms may

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