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become apparent only until a tumor shows up or the heart fails. During both an active and silent
inflammation response, the body produces more white blood cells, which start to burrow deep into the
walls of blood vessels, causing further damage and irritation. To prevent total destruction, your body
responds by plugging up all those tears and injuries with LDL cholesterol (see chapter 9).
To diagnose and treat any of the above-mentioned illnesses as separate diseases, not only confuses
and misleads the patient, but also causes a myriad of complications. Over eighty percent of people who
fall ill recover on their own, without any medical intervention. Accordingly, it is more than likely that
disease is actually a toxicity crisis that most people’s bodies are able to resolve naturally. Once the
amount of toxic waste has reached a peak level of tolerance or point of saturation, an appropriate immune
response (inflammation) begins to occur. This healing process (falsely labeled disease) helps to reduce the
degree of toxicity to below the point of tolerance, simply by neutralizing and removing the toxins, trapped
metabolic waste products, and cellular debris, as well as the microbes that feed on them. For this reason,
the symptoms of illness begin to vanish by themselves if the toxicity crisis is allowed to take its natural
course. Thus, a headache, cold, tonsil infection, gastritis or stiffness in the neck and shoulders, all appear
and disappear again in their own time, unless, of course, we interfere with and don’t support the body's
healing efforts. The occurrence of illness and recovery correspond to the cycles of building up and
breaking down the underlying congestion and toxicity that has accumulated in the body.
If your doctor’s treatment turns out to be successful, you will most likely thank him for having cured
you. On the other hand, if you get well without any external help, you might say you were just very
fortunate. Healing, though, does not take place in either case. What most people call “healing'” is actually
the body’s ceaseless, and if necessary, reinforced effort to eliminate metabolic waste, dead cells, chemical
toxins, heavy metals, billions of dead bacteria, and other harmful waste materials. To heal is to be whole.
Wholeness or health is the spontaneous occurrence of balance, which occurs naturally when the body's
removes all the daily-generated waste products and cellular debris and by giving it the nourishment it
requires. Creating health is but an ongoing, daily process of regeneration because the elimination of waste
materials and the uptake of nutrients will never stop for as long as we are alive. There may be nothing
more mysterious about health and healing than maintaining the fine line of balance that exists between
these two basic processes.
Illness is like darkness; neither of them actually exist. Darkness is merely the absence of light. By
turning on the light, darkness disappears because it has no cause or power of its own. Symptoms of
disease cannot be mistaken to be the disease, which makes them equally unreal. They only appear to be
real in the absence of health, just as darkness appears to be real only in the absence of light. It is not wise
to fight what is not there. Rather it is much more advantageous to do everything possible to keep one's
body clean, relaxed, nourished and energized.

Are We Poisoning Our Children With Food?

Most of us were brought up with the belief that disease is caused by external things. Few people
know that germs can only “germinate” in a dead and toxic medium or environment. Parents who see their
children go through one infectious illness after another are especially concerned about giving their
offspring every possible protection against infectious diseases. Immunization seems to be one way of
safeguarding their children’s lives. If their child still happens to “catch” an infection, antibacterial or
antiviral drugs are generally considered the best treatment option.
Being so used to blaming external pathogens (disease-causing factors) such as bacteria or viruses for
an infection, not many people even consider the possibility that their health problems may have
something to do with the food they eat. Could it really be possible that children (and also adults) who

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