
(avery) #1

  • The hair and nails remove proteins, excessive mineral salts, pigments and oil.

  • The skin, being the second largest organ of elimination, eliminates sweat, and yes, 40-60 percent
    of all the waste in the body.

  • The lymphatic system, which has to continuously circulate and purify the 18 liters (19 quarts) of
    waste-loaded lymph fluid contained in the body, plays a major role in the detoxification process.

All of this activity, of course, requires copious quantities of water. When the body becomes
dehydrated, the blood becomes overly concentrated (thick) and subsequently draws water from nearby
cells. Although the blood is made thinner through this maneuver, the connective tissue surrounding the
cells, and the cells themselves, lose precious water required to excrete and remove metabolic waste. The
result is congestion, which hinders the waste matter from leaving the body. (To go on a hydrating
program, refer to the guidelines in the section, Drinking Water—The Greatest Therapy of All, in Chapter
6.) In contrast, a well-hydrated body is capable of both nourishing itself and detoxifying its tissues. This
ensures that the body’s equilibrium, or balance, is maintained at all times. In a well-hydrated state, the
various activities in the body can be conducted in a flawless manner because there is no congestion or
holdup anywhere.
In their naturally occurring amounts, body wastes have a slightly stimulating effect. This helps to
maintain the functions of elimination. However, if the body’s energy is depleted and immunity is subdued
due to an excessively stimulating diet and lifestyle or insufficient water intake, the continuously necessary
process of detoxification and waste removal becomes disrupted.
All major diseases are caused and preceded by some form of obstruction. An obstruction in the liver,
for example, is most likely due to gallstones in the bile ducts (intrahepatic gallstones). It affects the
nutrient supply, metabolism and energy distribution throughout the body. A constipated colon causes the
backwashing of waste, thereby flooding the body with toxins. A kidney stone can lead to the retention of
urine and raise the pressure of the blood against the arteries; hypertension is the result. Lymphatic
blockage leads to lymph edema, heart congestion, cancer, obesity, arthritis, and almost every chronic
illness. The various types and intensities of the toxicity crisis (disease) result from the various degrees and
locations of congestion in the body. In truth, though, if one part of the body is sick, the entire body is sick.
It is simply not possible to divide such systems as the cardiovascular, immune, lymphatic and nervous
systems into segments that don’t influence one another in an immediate and profound way. The severity
of disease is largely determined by the amount of toxins, gallstones, kidney stones, fecal matter and
metabolic and cellular waste the body has accumulated.

The basic remedy for the most common diseases is as follows:

  • Stop all unnecessary “energy leaks” and allow your body to get enough rest

  • Clear up the blocked bile ducts of the liver

  • Remove kidney stones/grease

  • Clean the passages of the gastrointestinal tract

  • Take in enough fresh air, clean water, natural sunlight and nutrient-rich food

  • Move your body regularly

All of these are necessary to sustain bodily functions, including the elimination of daily-generated
metabolic and cellular waste products. The following list provides you with an overview of possible
factors that have congesting effects on the liver, produce kidney stones, dehydrate the body and sap its

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