
(avery) #1

cap. Thereafter, the duodenum makes a C-turn going from the right to the left side of the abdomen. Bile
from the liver and secretions from the pancreas come through the ampulla of Vater to mix with food in the
duodenum. The pancreatic juices contain digestive enzymes, minerals and water to help break down
starches further. The bile, which is forced into the duodenum via the common bile duct, aids in the
digestion of fats and proteins. The duodenum participates in this very important part of the digestive
process by releasing specific hormones and digestive juices. Ayurveda calls the entire activity in this
section of the digestive system AGNI, or “digestive fire.” AGNI “cooks” the food further in order to make
its nutrients available for the cells and tissues at a later stage (see illustration 5).

Illustration 5: The Digestive System

The small intestine has a total length of approximately 6 meters (18 feet). It is responsible for the
absorption of nutrients, salt and water. On the average, approximately 9 liters (9.5 quarts) of fluid enter
the jejunum (upper part of the small intestine) each day, a major portion of which is composed of

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