
(avery) #1

The release of these toxins prompts the intestinal lining and the intestinal lymph system, which harbor
most of the body's immune cells, to absorb and neutralize them (the toxins). Yet the constant influx of
toxins eventually becomes overwhelming, which causes lymph edemas to occur, especially in the
cysterna chyli vessels and the thoracic duct (illustration 7 ). The obstructed lymph flow leads to swelling
of the abdomen and subsequent lymphatic congestion in other parts of the body.

Illustration 7: The Body’s Largest Lymphatic vessels

(^9) An organic chemical compound NH
2 (CHH 2 ) 4 NH 2 (1,4-diaminobutane or butanediamine) formed by and having the smell of
rotting flesh. Other foul-smelling chemical compounds include methyl mercaptan and butyric acid. Butyric acid is also found
in rancid butter, parmesan cheese, and vomit. Low-molecular-weight esters of butyric acid, such as methyl butyrate, mostly
pleasant aromas or tastes. As a consequence, they find use as food and perfume additives.

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