
(avery) #1

The swelling or inflammation of the intestinal lining and the intestinal lymph is an emergency
measure the body takes to prevent the absorption of toxins into the bloodstream. If these poisons made
their way into the bloodstream, they could endanger the affected person’s life (septic shock).
In its desperate attempts to prevent the blood from being poisoned, the body begins to harden the
afflicted tissue. This is the first stage of ulcerative processes. If the unhealthy habits continue, more and
more layers of hardened mucus are added, forming a thick crust around the troubled areas. This creates
further rigidity of the intestinal tract, which in turn begins to obstruct blood circulation in the intestinal
wall and to slow down intestinal motion (peristalsis). Consequently, food tends to remain longer in the
body than it normally would. In due time, the food begins to decompose, produce smelly gases and lose
moisture. This turns it into a sticky mass, which may become dry and hard. If large numbers of bacteria
invade this mass, diarrhea may result. First, constipation and diarrhea may alternate, and if the condition
persists, more frequent bowel movements and chronic diarrhea may occur.

Should We Kill Intestinal Parasites?

First, you can never live completely without parasites. We ingest them with our food and water, or by
other means. Some always survive the assault by gastric juices. It is important to remember that parasites
have no real interest in doing business in a healthy, clean intestinal tract because they would simply not be
able to survive there in the long run. Instead, they proliferate in filthy, polluted environments. Parasites
dig themselves into the tissues of intestinal walls that have absorbed toxins and receive poor circulation
and nourishment.
Poor digestion is the main cause of parasitic infection, not the other way round. However, once
infested by them, digestive trouble tends to worsen. The problem is that for every parasite you kill, you
will have another one to deal with the following day. Parasites can multiply as quickly as you can think
thoughts. Why would you want to kill them and then have the burden of eliminating billions of parasite
corpses, many of which would remain trapped in the waste that feeds them? A good number of these dead
parasites may end up in the lymphatic system and blood. The liver tries to filter them out and remove
them via the bile ducts. Once parasites (dead and alive), have entered the bile ducts, they are engulfed by
bile and thus become a cause of intrahepatic gallstones (gallstones inside the liver).
A better solution, although not quite as fast as killing them, is to improve digestive functions through
a combination of liver/colon cleansing and adjustments to one's diet and lifestyle. This will help the
body's immune system to take care of this problem step-by step, rather than all at once. The assault on
parasites can backfire and lead to recurring parasitic infections, while overtaxing the immune system.
Killing bacteria through the use of antibiotics is not any different. Suddenly, a massive amount of dead
bacteria floods the body, which merely sets the stage for a repeat infection and lots of harmful side
effects. Dead bacteria become food for other bacteria. This is just one of the reasons antibiotics are a
major indirect cause of infection and numerous degenerative diseases. (See more details in Chapter 13.)
In some extreme cases, the killing of parasites is advisable to save, or prolong, a person's life (if that is
desirable). Such individuals tend to suffer from a near total impairment of the immune functions and an
inability to cleanse the liver and colon. It is also helpful for those who have very large, snake-sized worms
in their intestinal tract. The most important point to remember is this: When you try to kill parasites or
other destructive organisms, be certain that you also remove the poisons/toxins that attract them into your
body. There are a number of parasite cleanses using herbal remedies, such as wormwood, green hull
walnut tincture and clove or similar formulas, that also have detoxifying effects. Cleansing both the liver
and colon while doing this is also helpful because it reduces the impact that the “die-off” may have on

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