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your blood and lymph. Such methods of parasite cleansing, however, can take a long time and may be
only partially successful, with one exception that I know of.
The mineral substance—sodium chlorite—may have the most balanced and immediate effects among
all parasite cleansers. The main requirements for successful elimination of disease-related microorganisms
are as follows:

  1. Neutralize the toxins and poisons that weaken the immune system and feed the parasites.

  2. Strengthen the immune system to remove these microorganisms and keep them at bay.

  3. Kill off harmful parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungi, molds and yeast, all the same time.
    The product Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is a stabilized oxygen solution of 28% sodium
    chlorite (not “chloride”) in distilled water. When a small amount of citric acid solution, consisting of
    either vinegar, lemon or lime juice, is added to a few drops of MMS, chlorine dioxide is created. When
    ingested in this form, the chlorine dioxide instantly oxidizes harmful substances such as parasites,
    bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi and molds within a matter of hours. At the same time, it boosts the immune
    system at least tenfold. By doing so, MMS has been shown to remove, for example, any strands of the
    malaria and HIV viruses from the blood within less than 24 hours in nearly every person tested. MMS has
    also been used successfully for many other serious illnesses, including Hepatitis A, B and C, typhoid,
    most cancers, herpes, pneumonia, food poisoning, tuberculosis, asthma, and influenza. (For more
    information see Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) in chapter 7.)

Ama—The Main Cause Of Congestion In The Body

In an unhealthy intestinal tract, mucus, toxins and fecal matter combine to create what Ayurveda calls
AMA or mucoid fecal matter. The intestines begin to lose their natural shape as they try to accommodate
the extra waste (illustration 9). Left with no other choice, they create protrusions that are filled with
layers of obstructive AMA.
AMA is a breeding ground for parasites and microbes, as well as for cancer cells. The intestinal
immune system tries to destroy as much of the destructive material as possible but eventually succumbs to
the overload of toxins. This occurs when septic poison starts seeping into the bloodstream. Appendicitis,
diverticulitis, colitis, polyps, colon strictures, hernias, Crohn’s disease, amoebic dysentery and tumors are
but a few of the symptoms directly related to the buildup and absorption of poisonous waste products in
the intestines (illustrations 9a-c).

Consequences Of An Overloaded Colon

The structural changes that the intestines must undergo to accommodate the excessive mass of waste
are truly extraordinary. The can affect the health of many other organs in the body (illustration 8 .)
One particular autopsy revealed a colon 23 cm in diameter, filled with layer upon layer of encrusted
old, undigested food intermixed with hardened mucus, leaving less than 1 cm in diameter for passing
stool (illustration 10 ).
An ever-increasing number of men and women have accumulated 40 pounds or more of such waste
material in the colon alone. Such a condition can be recognized by an enormously extended waistline. In
the United States, 65 percent of the population is overweight or obese. Weight problems usually occur
first in the colon, and then in the other parts of the body. This waste accumulation may lead to a
prolapsed transverse colon (illustration 9a), which in turn puts a great deal of pressure on the organs of
the lower abdomen, including the urinary bladder, prostate or female organs. As a result, these organs
may become dislocated, which causes them further structural and functional damage.

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