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296 Practical MATLAB® Applications for Engineers

Example 3.16

The objective of this example is to verify the maximum power transfer theorem, when
the load reactance varies over a given range.
Let the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit of an electrical network be given by VTH =
5 ∠ 0 ° V and ZTH = 10 − j50 Ω. Let the load impedance be given by ZL = 10 + jXL, where
XL varies over the range 0 ≤ XL ≤ 150 Ω, in steps of 1 Ω, as indicated in the circuit
diagram of Figure 3.74.
Create the script fi le max_power_AC that returns the plot of PZL versus XL.


XL = 1:1:150

RL = 10 Ω

ZTH = 10−j 50

VTH = 5 0 ° V ZL = RL + j XL

Network of Example 3.16

MATLAB Solution
% Script file: max _ power _ AC
% Max. power delivered to the load ZL = RL + jXL
% where XL varies from 0 to 100 Ohms
echo on
Xth = -50;
RL = 10;
Rth = 10;
Xl = 0:1:150;
Zth = Rth+50j;
Zl = RL+Xl.*j;
Zt = Zth+Zl;
magZt = abs(Zt);
magZl = abs(Zl);
Pload = (5./magZt).^2.*magZl;
plot(Xl,Pload);grid on;
ylabel(‘Power deliver to ZL(Watts)’);
title(‘Power ZL vs XL, for 0<XL<100’)
text(41,.118,’XL=50j Ohms’)

The script fi le max_power_AC is executed and the results are indicated in Figure 3.75.
Observe from Figure 3.75 that the maximum power delivered to the load ZL occurs
when |XL| = |XTH|.
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