(sharon) #1

312 Practical MATLAB® Applications for Engineers

P.3.14 Solve for the loop currents shown in the circuit diagram of Figure 3.90, and verify
the following relations:

I 1 = 2 − j A

I 2 = 0.5 − j1.5 A

I 3 = − 1 − j2 A

where all the impedances are given in ohms.

P.3.15 Given the following loop system equations:

(2 + j2)I 1 − jI 2 = 5

−jI 1 + (1 − j)I 2 = j3

Draw its circuit diagram.

P.3.16 Solve for the loop currents shown in the circuit diagram of Figure 3.91 and verify if
I 1 = −j4 A, I 2 = 0.8 A, and I 3 = −1.6 − j4 A.

P.3.17 For a given circuit, if the applied voltage is v(t) = 200 sin(ωt + 15°) V and the resulting
current is i(t) = 20 sin(ωt − 30°) A, draw its power triangle.

P.3.18 Given the series RLC circuit of Figure 3.92, draw its power triangle.

P.3.19 Write a MATLAB program that returns the following plots:

a. |Z(ω)| v e r s u s ω
b. ∠Z(ω) versus ω
for circuit diagram of Figure 3.93.


I 3

I 2

I 1

R 2 = 10 Ω

R 4 = 10 Ω

R 5 = 10 Ω

R 3 = 10 Ω

R 1 = 10 Ω

X 2 = j10 Ω

X 1 = j10 Ω

X 3 = j10 Ω

X 4 = −j10 Ω

100 0 ° V

Network diagram of P.3.14.

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