(sharon) #1

456 Practical MATLAB® Applications for Engineers

P.4.37 Let the modulating and carrier signals of a communication signal be given by
m(t) = pul(t/2) and c(t) = cos( 50 t), respectively.
Create the MATLAB script fi le telecom_analysis that returns

a. Expressions of
i. C(w) = ℑ[c(t)]
ii. M(w) = ℑ[m(t)]
iii. M(w) + C(w)= ℑ[m(t)] + ℑ[c(t)]
iv. AM_DSB_SC(w) = ℑ[m(t)  c(t)] = 1/2π(ℑ[M(w) ⊗ C(w)])
v. AM_DSB_WC(w) = ℑ[{m(t) + 5}  c(t)]
vi. FM(w) = ℑ[fm(t)] = ℑ[cos (50t + m(t))]
b. The following time–frequency plots:
i. m(t) versus t ↔ M(w) versus w
i i. c(t) versus t ↔ C(w) versus w
iii. [m(t) + c(t)] versus t ↔ [M(w) + C(w)] versus w
iv. [m(t)  c(t)] versus t ↔ ℑ[m(t)  c(t)] versus w

v. [m(t) + (^5)  c(t)] versus t ↔ ℑ[(m(t) + 5)  c(t)] versus w
vi. cos[50t + m(t)] versus t ↔ ℑ{cos[(50t) + m(t)]} versus w
R = 1k Ω
vs(t) i(t)

  • − C = 0.2 mF
    FIGURE 4.99
    Circuit diagram of P.4.34.
    FIGURE 4.100
    Circuit diagram of P.4.35.
    V1 = 50 V
    v 2 (t) = 50 sin(5t)V
    R1(s) = 3 Ω
    R2 = 7 Ω
    R3 = 5 Ω
    C 1 = 0.2 F
    C2 = 0.3 F
    L1 = 2 H
    I (^1) I
    sw closes at t = 0

  • VC2(0) = 5 V

    VC1(0) = 3 V

  • IL1(0) = 1.3 A

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