(sharon) #1

DTFT, DFT, ZT, and FFT 473

c. [H, W] = freqz(G, F, W), over the range −π ≤ W ≤ π
d. [H, W] = freqz(G, F, W, Fs/2), where 0 ≤ W ≤ Fs/2 and Fs denotes the sampling
e. [H, W] = freqz(G, F, K), where K is the number of equally spaced points over the
domain 0 ≤ W ≤ π
Observe that if H(ejW) represents the transfer function of a given system, then
G(ejW) and F(ejW) represents the DTFT of its output and input, respectively.
R.5.43 Recall that DTFT was defi ned by

FejW f nejWn

() ()


And replacing e−jw by the (new) variable z, DTFT is transformed into what is
referred to as the two-sided or bilateral ZT. The ZT of a discrete sequence f(n) is
then defi ned by

Fz f nzn

() ( )


R.5.44 The ZT is the preferred tool in the analysis and synthesis of discrete-time systems,
defi ned by a linear constant coeffi cient difference equation. The ZT is for a discrete
system what LT is for a continuous system.
The drawback of DTFT is that the convergence and existence conditions may not
exist for many sequences, and therefore no frequency representation is possible
for these systems. The ZT, however, may exist for many sequences for which DTFT
does not exist.
R.5.45 Note that the equation that defi nes the ZT is in the form of an infi nite power series
of the complex variable z, and its coeffi cients are the discrete samples of f(n).
R.5.46 Observe that the resulting series expansion of ZT is a Laurent series*.
The notation used to denote the ZT of f(n) is as follows:

Zfn Fz fnzn

[()]() ()


where Z[f(n)] denotes the ZT of f(n).
R.5.47 Since z is a complex variable, z can be represented as a point on the complex plane
and expressed in rectangular and polar forms as
z = real(z) + jimag(z) (rectangular form)
z = |z|ejW = rejW (e x p o n e n t i a l f o r m )

where |z| = r = 1.
Observe that the complex variable z = ejW maps into a unit radius circle centered
at the origin of the complex plane.

* Since most transforms are named after a scientist such as Laplace, Fourier, or Hilbert, it would be logical to
call the ZT the Laurent transform.
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