(sharon) #1
Index 681

Nyquist, Harry, 339n
Nyquist plots, 339–340
Nyquist rate, 499
sampling rate, 44
theorem, 4
Nyquist theorem, 587


Odd function
algebraic rules, 23
analog and discrete cases, 22
energy analysis, 75–76
implications of, 328, 336, 470
symmetric, 23
Odd signals, 2
Ohm, as unit of measure, 102, 108
Ohm, George, 102
Ohm’s law, 104, 233, 265, 354
One-dimensional (1-D) signals, 2
1p2bp function fi les, 583
1p2hp function fi les, 583–584
1p2p function fi les, 583–584
On-off keying (OOK), 21
Open circuit
defi ned, 110
voltage, 119
Operational amplifi ers (OA), 569–570, 572
Operational calculus, 320
Optimization process, 595
Orthogonal families, 17, 72–73
Orthogonal signals, 2
Orthonormal families, 17
Oscillations, 15, 46, 131, 330, 349, 573
defi ned, 2
power, 107
signal, 40
Overdamped system
examples of, 199–200, 203–204
features of, 131
parallel, 133
series, 135
Overlap-add method, 496–497
Overlap-save method, 496–497


Parabolic function, 14
Parabolic window, 48
Paral lel con nect ion, 111, 113 –115, 140

Parallel RLC (L circuit), 133
Parks-McClellan algorithm, 595
Parseval’s theorem, 321, 324–325, 339, 471
Partial-fraction expansion, 322, 351–352, 483, 488
Parzen window, 48
Pass band
characteristics of, 563–565
cutoff frequency, 577
fi lters, 561–563
ripples, 565, 588
Passive analog electrical fi lters, 569
Passive discrete system, 458
Passive fi lters, 563
Passive systems, 338
Percentage of total harmonic distortion
(PTHD), 326
Periodic function
defi ned, 322
DTFT, 470
implications of, 323–324, 332, 348, 500
Laplace transform (LT), 367–368
time domain, 336
Periodic sequences, 69–70
Periodic signals, continuous time, 2, 26–27,
61– 62, 321
Periodic wave, 325
Personal computer applications, 570
Phase angle, 226, 245
Phase distortion, 564
phase function, 584–585
Phase response, type-2 FIR fi lters, 592
Phase shift, 233, 338, 564
Phase shift keying (PSK) signals, 22, 87–88
Phase spectrum, 321, 327–328, 470
Phasor currents, 230, 248–249
Phasor diagram
LC parallel, 239–240
power analysis, 244–245
RLC, 235, 240–242
RL connection, 236
two-phase generator system, 262
Phasor network, 225, 249
Phasor representation, 224–225, 251
Physics, principles of, 105
Planar networks, 118
PM signals
bandwidth, 22
features of, 21–22
time domain representations, 22
PM spectrum, 443–447
Point-to-point communication systems, 22
Polarit y, 106, 109, 118
Poles, fi lter transfer function, 581–582, 584, 586–587
Poles, Laplace transform, 349–350

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