52 Algebra (Expansion and factorisation) (Chapter 1)
In general, if we start with a quadratic trinomial we will need a method to work out how to do the
Consider the expansion in greater detail:
(2x+ 3)(4x+5)=2£ 4 £x^2 +[2£5+3£4]x+3£5=8x^2 +22x+15
The four numbers 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 are present in themiddle term, and also in thefirstandlastterms
As 2 £ 5 and 3 £ 4 are factors of 2 £ 3 £ 4 £5 = 120, this gives us the method for performing
the splitting.
Step 1: Multiply the coefficient ofx^2 and the constant
Step 2: Look for the factors of this number which add
to give the coefficient of the middle term.
Step 3: These numbers are the coefficients of the split
In our case, 8 £15 = 120:
What factors of 120 add to give us 22?
The answer is 10 and 12 :
So, the split is 10 x+12x.
Consider another example, 6 x^2 +17x+12.
The product of the coefficient ofx^2 and the constant term is 6 £12 = 72:
We now need two factors of 72 whosesumis 17. These numbers are 8 and 9 :
So, 6 x^2 +17x+12
=6|x^2 {z+8x} +9|x{z+12} f 17 xhas been split into 8 xand 9 xg
=2x(3x+ 4) + 3(3x+4)
=(3x+ 4)(2x+3)
or 6 x^2 +17x+12
=6|x^2 {z+9x} +8|x{z+12}
=3x(2x+ 3) + 4(2x+3)
=(2x+ 3)(3x+4)
What to do:
1 For the following quadratics, copy and complete the table below:
quadratic product sum ‘split’
Example 10 x^2 +29x+21 210 29 14 x+15x
a 2 x^2 +11x+12
b 3 x^2 +14x+8
c 4 x^2 +16x+15
d 6 x^2 ¡ 5 x¡ 6
e 4 x^2 ¡ 13 x+3
f 6 x^2 ¡ 17 x+5
2 Use your tabled results to factorise each of the quadratics in 1.
When splitting the
middle term it does
not matter the order
in which you list the
two new terms.
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