120 Graphs, charts and tables (Chapter 5)
Step 5: Click on then
Step 6: Choose then
Step 7: Experiment with other types of graphs and data.
What to do:
1 Gather statistics of your own or use data from questions in the previous exercise. Use the spreadsheet
to draw an appropriate statistical graph of the data.
2 Find out how to adjust labels, scales, legends, and other features of the graph.
Use technology to answer the following questions. Make sure each graph is fully labelled.
Favourite colour Frequency
Green 38
Blue 34
Red 29
Purple 21
Other 34
1 The given data is to be displayed on a pie chart.
a Find the sector angles to the nearest degree for each category.
b Draw the pie chart for this data.
After 5 years After 10 years
Kaylene 685 2408
Harry 728 1345
We i 820 2235
Matthew 1056 1582
a Draw side-by-side bar charts to represent the data.
b Draw back-to-back bar charts to represent the data.
c Find the percentage increase for each person for the data given.
d Two of the four gained university qualifications. Which ones are they likely to be?
3 Consider again the real estate agency data from question 4 of the previous exercise.
a Construct: i a side-by-side bar chart ii a back-to-back chart for the data.
b Which chart provides a better means of comparing the two data sets?
Review set 5A #endboxedheading
Administration $144 000
Production $200 000
Marketing $180 000
Distribution $120 000
Advertising $76 000
1 The table alongside shows the money spent by a business over the
course of a year.
a How much did the business spend?
b Calculate the sector angle for each category.
c Construct a pie chart to display the data.
After leaving school, four graduates compare their
weekly incomes in dollars at year intervals. Their
incomes are shown in the table alongside.
cyan magenta yellow black
100 100
100 100
Y:\HAESE\IGCSE01\IG01_05\120IGCSE01_05.CDR Friday, 14 November 2008 9:30:10 AM PETER