Assumed Knowledge
A Number types [1.1]
B Operations and brackets [1.2]
C HCF and LCM [1.3]
D Fractions
E Powers and roots [1.4]
F Ratio and proportion [1.5]
G Number equivalents [1.7]
H Rounding numbers [1.11]
I Time [1.12]
The set ofnaturalorcountingnumbers is N =f 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , ......g.
The set of natural numbers is endless, so we call it aninfinite set.
The set ofintegersor whole numbers is Z=f::::,¡ 4 ,¡ 3 ,¡ 2 ,¡ 1 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , ......g:
The setZincludesN as well as all negative whole numbers.
For example: 0 , 127 ,¡ 15 ,10 000 and ¡34 618 are all members ofZ:
The set ofrationalnumbers, denotedQ, is the set of all numbers of the form
integers and b 6 =0.
For example: ²^13 ,^1532 ,¡ 45 are all rational ²¡ 214 is rational as ¡ 214 =¡ 49
² 5 is rational as 5=^51 or^204 ² 0 : 431 is rational as 0 :431 = 1000431
² 0 : 8 is rational as 0 :8=^89
All decimal numbers that terminate or recur are rational numbers.
The set ofrealnumbers, denotedR, includes all numbers which can be located on a number line.
0 and
¡ 5 cannot be placed on a number, and so are not real.
cyan magenta yellow black
100 100
100 100
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