Analysis of discrete
A Variables used in statistics [11.2]
B Organising and describing
discrete data [11.2, 11.3]
C The centre of a discrete data set [11.4]
D Measuring the spread of discrete data [11.4]
E Data in frequency tables [11.4]
F Grouped discrete data [11.4]
G Statistics from technology [11.8]
Historical note
² Florence Nightingale ( 1820 - 1910 ), the famous “lady with the lamp”,
developed and used graphs to represent data relating to hospitals and
public health.
² Today about92%of all nations conduct a census at regular intervals.
The UN gives assistance to developing countries to help them
with census procedures, so that accurate and comparable worldwide
statistics can be collected.
Opening problem #endboxedheading
A stretch of highway was notoriously dangerous, being the site
of a large number of accidents each month.
In an attempt to rectify this, the stretch was given a safety
upgrade. The road was resurfaced, and the speed limit was
To determine if the upgrade has made a difference, data is
analysed for the number of accidents occurring each month for
the three years before and the three years after the upgrade.
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