A Labelling sides of a right angled
triangle [8.1]
B The trigonometric ratios [8.1]
C Problem solving [8.1]
D [8.2]
E True bearings [8.7]
F 3-dimensional problem solving [8.7]
Opening problem
For safety reasons, ramps for aiding wheelchair access must not have an angle of inclineμexceeding
5 o.
A ramp outside a post office was found to be 5 : 6 m long, with a vertical rise of 50 cm. Does this ramp
comply with the safety regulations?
Trigonometryis a branch of mathematics that deals with triangles. In particular, it considers the relationship
between their side lengths and angles.
We can apply trigonometry in engineering, astronomy, architecture, navigation, surveying, the building
industry, and in many other branches of applied science.
We can see in the there is a right angled triangle to consider. The trigonometry of right
angled triangles will be discussed in this chapter and the principles extended to other triangles in
Opening Problem
Chapter 29
50 cm
5.6 m
The first quadrant of the unit circle
cyan magenta yellow black
100 100
100 100
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