Part 2: Graphs of the form y=(x¡h)^2
What to do:
1 Using agraphing packageorgraphics calculator:
i graph the two functions on the same set of axes
ii state the coordinates of the vertex of each function.
a y=x^2 and y=(x¡2)^2 b y=x^2 and y=(x+2)^2
c y=x^2 and y=(x¡4)^2 d y=x^2 and y=(x+4)^2
2 What effect does the value ofhhave on:
a the position of the graph b the shape of the graph?
3 What transformation is needed to graph y=(x¡h)^2 from y=x^2?
Part 3: Graphs of the form y=(x¡h)^2 +k
What to do:
1 Without the assistance of technology, sketch the graph of y=(x¡2)^2 +3.
State the coordinates of the vertex and comment on the shape of the graph.
2 Use agraphing packageorgraphics calculatorto draw, on the same set of axes, the graphs of
y=x^2 and y=(x¡2)^2 +3:
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for y=(x+4)^2 ¡ 1.
4 Copy and complete:
² The graph of y=(x¡h)^2 +k is the same shape as the graph of ......
² The graph of y=(x¡h)^2 +k is a ................ of the graph ofy=x^2
through a translation of ........
Part 4: Graphs of the form y=ax^2 , a 6 =0
What to do:
1 Using agraphing packageorgraphics calculator:
i graph the two functions on the same set of axes
ii state the coordinates of the vertex of each function.
a y=x^2 and y=2x^2 b y=x^2 and y=4x^2
c y=x^2 and y=^12 x^2 d y=x^2 and y=¡x^2
e y=x^2 and y=¡ 2 x^2 f y=x^2 and y=¡^12 x^2
2 These functions are all members of the family y=ax^2 whereais the coefficient of thex^2
term. What effect doesahave on:
a the position of the graph b the shape of the graph
c the direction in which the graph opens?
Quadratic equations and functions (Chapter 21) 433
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