Cambridge International Mathematics

(Tina Sui) #1
Part 5: Graphs of the form y=a(x¡h)^2 +k, a 6 =0
What to do:
1 Without the assistance of technology, sketch the graphs of y=2x^2 and y=2(x¡1)^2 +3
on the same set of axes. State the coordinates of the vertices and comment on the shape of the two

2 Use agraphing packageorgraphics calculatorto check your graphs in step 1.

3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 for:
a y=¡x^2 and y=¡(x+2)^2 +3 b y=^12 x^2 and y=^12 (x¡2)^2 ¡ 4

4 Copy and complete:
² The graph of y=a(x¡h)^2 +k has the same shape and opens in the same direction as the
graph of ......
² The graph of y=a(x¡h)^2 +k is a .......... of the graph of y=ax^2 through a translation
of ......

You should have discovered the following important facts:

² Graphs of the form y=x^2 +k have exactly the same shape as the graph of y=x^2.

Every point on the graph ofy=x^2 is translated


to give the graph of y=x^2 +k:

² Graphs of the form y=(x¡h)^2 have exactly the same shape as the graph of y=x^2.

Every point on the graph of y=x^2 is translated


to give the graph of y=(x¡h)^2.

² Graphs of the form y=(x¡h)^2 +k have the same shape as the graph of y=x^2 and can be

obtained from y=x^2 by atranslationof


. Thevertexis at(h,k).

² If a> 0 , y=ax^2 opens upwards i.e.,

If a< 0 , y=ax^2 opens downwards i.e.,

If a<¡ 1 or a> 1 then y=ax^2 is ‘thinner’ than y=x^2.
If ¡ 1 <a< 1 , a 6 =0 then y=ax^2 is ‘wider’ than y=x^2.


y=a(x¡h)^2 +k

a> 0

a< 0

vertical shift ofkunits:
if k> 0 it goes up
if k< 0 it goes down

horizontal shift ofhunits:
if h> 0 it goes right
if h< 0 it goes left

a<¡ 1 or a> 1 , thinner than y=x^2
¡ 1 <a< 1 , a 6 =0, wider than y=x^2

434 Quadratic equations and functions (Chapter 21)

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