Cambridge International Mathematics

(Tina Sui) #1
N the set of positive integers and zero,
f 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , ......g
Z the set of integers, f 0 ,§ 1 ,§ 2 ,§ 3 , ......g
Z+ the set of positive integers, f 1 , 2 , 3 , ......g
Q the set of rational numbers
Q+ the set of positive rational numbers,
fxjx> 0 , x 2 Qg
R the set of real numbers
R+ the set of positive real numbers,
fxjx> 0 , x 2 Rg
fx 1 ,x 2 , ....g the set with elementsx 1 ,x 2 , .....
n(A) the number of elements in the finite setA
fxj...... the set of allxsuch that
2 is an element of
2 = is not an element of
? orfg the empty (null) set
U the universal set
[ union
\ intersection
μ is a subset of
½ is a proper subset of
A^0 the complement of the setA
a^1 n,pnaato the power ofn^1 ,nth root ofa
(ifa> 0 then npa> 0 )

aato the power^12 , square root ofa
(ifa> 0 thenpa> 0 )
jxj the modulus or absolute value ofn x, that is
xforx> 0 ,x 2 R
¡xforx< 0 ,x 2 R
́ identity or is equivalent to
¼ is approximately equal to

is greater than
»= is congruent to
k is parallel to
is perpendicular to
̧or> is greater than or equal to
< is less than
·or 6 is less than or equal to
un thenth term of a sequence or series
f:x 7 !yfis a function under whichxis mapped toy
f(x) the image ofxunder the functionf
f¡^1 the inverse function of the functionf
logax logarithm to the baseaofx
sin,cos,tan the circular functions
A(x,y) the point A in the plane with Cartesian


the line segment with end points A and B
the distance from A to B
the line containing points A and B
Ab the angle at A
CbAB the angle between CA and AB
¢ABC the triangle whose vertices are A, B and C
v the vectorv
AB the vector represented in magnitude and direction
by the directed line segment from A to B
jaj the magnitude of vectora
ABj the magnitude of
P(A) probability of eventA
P(A^0 ) probability of the event “notA”
x 1 ,x 2 , .... observations of a variable
f 1 ,f 2 , .... frequencies with which the observations
x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 , ..... occur
x mean of the values x 1 ,x 2 , ....
§f sum of the frequenciesf 1 ,f 2 , ....
r Pearson’s correlation coefficient
r^2 coefficient of determination


cyan magenta yellow black

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