Cambridge International Mathematics

(Tina Sui) #1
What to do:
1 Which of the following ideas have merit when finding the period of the pendulum for a particular
² Several students should time one period using their stopwatches.
² Timing 8 complete swings and averaging is better than timing one complete swing.
² If several students do the timing, the highest and lowest scores should be removed and the
remaining scores should be averaged.

2 List possible factors which could lead to inaccurate results.
length (lcm) period (Ts)

3 After deciding on a method for determining the period, measure
the period for pendulum lengths of 20 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm, ...., 100
cm and record your results in a table like the one alongside.

4 Use technology to determine the law connectingTandl.

Review set 30A

1 The variablesxandyin the table alongside
are inversely proportional. Findaandb.

x 1 3 6 a
y 24 8 b 60

2 If 7 litres of petrol are needed to drive 100 km, how far could you travel on 16 litres of petrol?
3 If 3 men could paint a grain silo in 18 days, how long would it take 8 men to paint the silo working
at the same rate?

x 1 2 3
y 4 16 36

4 Draw the graph ofyagainstx^2 for the points in the table alongside. From
your graph, verify that a law of the form y=kx^2 applies. Hence find:
a the value ofk b ywhen x=6 c xwhen y=64.

5 P is directly proportional to the square root ofQ, and P =12when Q=9. Find:
a the law connectingPandQ b the value ofPwhen Q= 121
c the value ofQwhen P=13.

6 The period of a pendulum varies in direct proportion to the square root of its length. If a 45 cm
pendulum has period 1 : 34 seconds, find the period of a 64 cm pendulum.

7 The volume of a cylinder is directly proportional to the square of its radius. Find:
a the change in volume produced by doubling the radius
b the change in radius needed to produce a60%increase in volume.

p 1 4 9 16 25
D 36 18 12 9 7 : 2

8 It is suspected that two variablesDandpare related by a law

of the formD=


wherekis a constant. An experiment to

a GraphDagainst
pfor these data values.

find for various values of was conducted and the results
alongside were obtained.


622 Variation and power modelling (Chapter 30)

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