Proof of Heaven

(John Hannent) #1

you remember some things about yourself while forgetting other things
completely. But again this is only a partially useful analogy, because, as I
keep stressing, the Gateway and the Core were not remotely dreamlike
but ultra-real—as far from illusory as one can be. To use the word
removed makes it sound as if the absence of my earthly memories while
in the Realm of the Earthworm’s-Eye View, the Gateway, and the Core
was in some manner intentional. I now suspect that this was the case. At
the risk of oversimplifying, I was allowed to die harder, and travel
deeper, than almost all NDE subjects before me.
As arrogant as that might sound, my intentions are not. The rich
literature on NDEs has proved crucial to understanding my own journey
in coma. I can’t claim to know why I had the experience I had, but I do
know now (three years later), from reading other NDE literature, that the
penetration of the higher worlds tends to be a gradual process and
requires that the individual release his or her attachments to whatever
level he or she is on before going higher or deeper.
That was not a problem for me, because throughout my experience I
had no earthly memories whatsoever, and the only pain and heartache I
felt was when I had to return to earth, where I’d begun.

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