Proof of Heaven

(John Hannent) #1

“Communicating with a coma patient,” she later told me, “is a little
like throwing a rope down a deep well. How deep the rope needs to go
depends on the depth of the comatose state. When I tried to contact you,
the first thing that surprised me was how deep the rope went. The farther
down, the more frightened I became that you were too far away—that I
wouldn’t be able to reach you because you weren’t coming back.”
After five full minutes of mentally descending via the telepathic
“rope,” she felt a slight shift, like a fishing line deep down in the water
getting a small but definite tug.
“I was sure it was you,” she told me later, “and I told Holley as much.
I told her it wasn’t your time yet, and that your body would know what to
do. I suggested that Holley keep those two thoughts in mind, and repeat
them to you at your bedside.”

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