Microsoft Access VBA Macro Programming

(Tina Sui) #1

Events That Can Cause Problems When Debugging

Certain events in windows can pose problems for the debugger by complicating and
confusing the debugging process. These events are discussed in the next sections.

Mouse Down

Mouse down is the event fired off when the user presses any mouse button down. This is
before the button comes back up. If you break the code at this point, you will not get a mouse
up event. A mouse up event occurs only when you press the mouse button and release it.

Key Down

Key down is the event fired off when the user presses any keyboard key down. This is before
the key comes back up. If you break the code at this point, you will not get a key up event. A
key up event occurs only when you press the key and release it.

88 Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming

Figure 7-4 Monitoring the value of a variable from within a watch window
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