Microsoft Access VBA Macro Programming

(Tina Sui) #1

On the opening screen of the wizard, select your new query on the drop-down. You should
have four possible fields showing (Ship Name, Ship Address, Product Name, and Quantity).
Include all of these in the report. Then, do the following:

  1. On the next screen, accept the default of Orders by which to view the data.

  2. On the next screen, group by Ship Name.

  3. On the next screen, use the drop-down to select Product Name for the sort order.

  4. Click the Summary Options button and note that you can have a calculation on the
    Quantity field since this is the only numeric field on the report. For the purposes of this
    example, we will not use a calculation here, so close this window.

  5. On the layout and style screens of the wizard, accept the defaults.

  6. Preview the report, which should now look like Figure 9-8.

The wizard has produced a very professional looking report, probably better than if you
had tried to do it manually.

Chapter 9: Forms and Reports 115

Figure 9-7 Query Design window for a report query

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