On the opening screen of the wizard, select your new query on the drop-down. You should
have four possible fields showing (Ship Name, Ship Address, Product Name, and Quantity).
Include all of these in the report. Then, do the following:
- On the next screen, accept the default of Orders by which to view the data.
- On the next screen, group by Ship Name.
- On the next screen, use the drop-down to select Product Name for the sort order.
- Click the Summary Options button and note that you can have a calculation on the
Quantity field since this is the only numeric field on the report. For the purposes of this
example, we will not use a calculation here, so close this window. - On the layout and style screens of the wizard, accept the defaults.
- Preview the report, which should now look like Figure 9-8.
The wizard has produced a very professional looking report, probably better than if you
had tried to do it manually.
Chapter 9: Forms and Reports 115
Figure 9-7 Query Design window for a report query