Microsoft Access VBA Macro Programming

(Tina Sui) #1



Programming in Access VBA

In this part, you will learn all about how Visual Basic for Applications
(VBA) works for Access 2010. A number of new VBA features have
been incorporated into the 2010 version, and the aim of this book is to
show you how to use code to interact with both them and the classic
features of Access.
You will learn rules for coding, how to write code, how to debug
your code—looking for the inevitable errors that occur—and how to
build graphical user interfaces (GUIs) so users can run your code
easily. This is really all about the mechanics of code writing and is
transferable to other Microsoft applications such as Excel or Word.
The final chapters of this book are made up of examples that show
you how to harness VBA to deal with problems you may encounter
in Access. I have always found that one of the best ways to learn a
coding language is to go through examples, try them out, understand
them, and modify them to suit your own requirements.
This book assumes the reader already has a basic understanding
of how to create a database using tables and queries. The purpose is
to educate the reader on how to make use of VBA code within the
database, not to show all the steps of how to design and implement a
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