Chapter 32 Create an Objects Inventory
Chapter 32 Create an Objects Inventory
ccess applications can become extremely complex with large numbers of tables,
queries, forms, reports, and modules. You can view these in the left-hand
Navigation pane of the Access window, but you will have no idea when they were
created and last modified unless you examine each one individually.
From Access 2007 onwards, new objects such as AllTables allow you to interrogate the
database objects using VBA and build up a table that will show you at a glance what is
happening with the database objects.
You first need to create a table to store the results of the inventory. Click Create in the
Access menu and click the Table Design icon in the Tables group of the ribbon. Add the
following fields:
ObjectName Text field, 255 characters
ObjectType Text field, 10 characters
DateCreated Date/Time field
DateModified Date/Time field
Since this is an internal table, you do not need a primary key for it. Save the table with the