Enter the following code into your module:
Sub CreateSpreadsheet()
Dim RecSet As Recordset
Dim MyExcel As Excel.Application
Dim MyBook As Workbook
Dim MySheet As Worksheet
Set MyExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set MyBook = MyExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set MySheet = MyBook.Worksheets( 1 )
Set RecSet = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("customers")
MySheet.Range("a 1 ").CopyFromRecordset RecSet
MyBook.SaveAs ("TestExcel")
Set RecSet = Nothing
Set MyExcel = Nothing
Set MyBook = Nothing
Set MySheet = Nothing
End Sub
This code creates an Excel object and opens a new blank workbook. It then creates a
Recordsetobject based on the Customers table in the Northwind database and copies this
to cell A1 on the first worksheet in the workbook. The new workbook is then saved to the
default folder and the Excel application is closed.
Run the code by clicking anywhere on it and pressingF5, or clicking the green triangle
(Run) icon on the toolbar. The code will take a few seconds to run since a fair amount of data
is being transferred.
If you open the new workbook in Excel, you will find that the orders table has been copied
into the first sheet of the workbook, as if you had done a copy and paste from Access.
However, you may notice that no column headings have been provided and column widths do
not always allow the data to be seen.
Using an Existing Spreadsheet as a Template
A way to make the transfer tidier is to load in an existing spreadsheet that already has the
headings and column widths set, but no data in it.
To do this, create a blank spreadsheet in Excel. Open the Customers table in Access in View
mode by clicking the View icon in the Views group of the ribbon and selecting the first row.
Make a copy of the row and then go to your Excel spreadsheet. Paste the row into Excel
as text.`
330 Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming