X = GetUserName(strUser, 256 )
strUser = RTrim(strUser)
strUser = Left(strUser, Len(strUser) - 1 )
Set RecSet = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset _
("select * tblUserRights where UserName=’" & strUser & "’")
If RecSet.RecordCount Then
ReturnUserLevel = RecSet!UserLevel
ReturnUserLevel = "unknown"
End If
Set RecSet = Nothing
End Function
This public function uses the API callGetUserNameto return the Windows login ID of
the current user. It then opens aRecordsetobject based on the table tblUserRights, where the
UserName field is equal to the login ID and returns the user level. If no record is found, it
returns “unknown”.
You can now set up rules on your forms as to how they will work in relation to the user
For example, if the form will be one that only administrators can use, such as for setting
up new users, then you would put the following code on the form activate event:
If ReturnUserLevel <> "administrator" Then
MsgBox "You are not authorized to view this screen", vbCritical
End If
Similarly, you can use the following code on a form if you want “basic” users to have
read-only access, and all other user types to be able to change records:
If ReturnUserLevel = "unknown" then DoCmd.Close
If ReturnUserLevel = "basic" Then
Me.AllowAdditions = False
Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowDeletions = False
Me.AllowAdditions = True
Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.AllowDeletions = True
End If
Notice that there is an option for an unknown level that closes the form, although in theory
an unknown level user should not get this far.
356 Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming