TheCallcommand calls your subroutine and passes any required parameters to it. It then
executes the code in the subroutine and returns to the next instruction following theCall
statement. In this particular case, it passes the string “my subroutine” into the variable called
If the subroutine you have written does not use parameters (arguments), you can run it
from the code page by selecting Run | Run Sub/UserForm from the VBE (Visual Basic
Editor) menu, pressingF5, or clicking the Run symbol on the toolbar. The cursor must click
on the subroutine you intend to run. This is a useful way of testing the code you have written
and seeing if it has any bugs.
Subroutines are a useful way of breaking large projects down into manageable pieces so
you do not end up with enormous and cumbersome routines. It is far easier to break a
problem into constituent parts and work separately on each section, making sure you get that
section working properly before moving onto others. The alternative is to write a large chunk
of code, which inevitably leads to unnecessary duplication.
Writing a Simple Function
The object of this exercise is to create a function to accept two numbers, which then multiplies
them together and returns the result. The function will have the nameMultiply. The following
table cites the four main mathematical operators you will use when writing functions and
subroutines in VBA.
Add +
Subtract –
Multiply *
Divide /
The code for this function is as follows:
Function Multiply(a, b)
Multiply = a * b
End Function
It should look like Figure 3-1. As with the subroutine, you must have at a bare minimum
the function line and the end function line (header and footer). Note that it must be entered in
a module you have inserted, not a module belonging to a form or report.
The header introduces two parameters,aandb, by showing them in parentheses after the
title of the function. A comma separates the two arguments. These arguments represent the
two numbers to be multiplied—they could be called anything, as long as the variable name is
consistent throughout the function.
30 Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming