Microsoft Access VBA Macro Programming

(Tina Sui) #1
The following example iterates through all the query names in the current database using
a For Each loop:

Sub ShowName()
Dim oQry As QueryDef
For Each oQry In CurrentDb.QueryDefs
MsgBox oQry.Name
Next oQry
End Sub

Do Until Loops

TheDo Untilloop keeps looping until a specified condition is met. Often this means waiting
for a variable to contain a particular value. When the condition is met, the loop stops, and the
program continues executing on the next instruction after the loop. You can also use a While
statement so that while a certain condition is met, the code will carry on looping. Here is a
simple example:

Sub test_do()
x = 0
Do Until x = 100
x = x + 1
MsgBox x
End Sub

First a variablexis set to the value 0. The condition of x = 100 is then supplied as the
criterion for when theDoloop should stop. The variable (x) is then incremented by 1 each time
throughthe loop, so it loops 100 times until x = 100. At this point, it displays a message box
giving the value ofxthat is 100.

While..Wend Loops

Finally, there is the While..Wend loop. This continues to loop while a specified condition is
true. It stops as soon as the condition is false. The following is a simple example that is very
similar to the previous Do Until loop:

Sub test_do()
x = 0
While x < 50
x = x + 1

MsgBox x
End Sub

42 Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming

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