Microsoft Access VBA Macro Programming

(Tina Sui) #1
The following will also give the value of 1 despite being so close to 2:

MsgBox Int(1.99)


Sqrreturns the square root of a number. This example will result in the value 2:

MsgBox Sqr( 4 )

The following will result in the value 1.732:

MsgBox Sqr( 3 )

The following will give the value 10:

MsgBox Sqr( 100 )


Ascgives the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) code for a given
character. Values are from 0 to 255. The following will give the value of 65:

MsgBox Asc("A")

The following will give the value of 105:

MsgBox Asc("i")

Note that this only works on the first character of the string:


This will give 114, as this is the ASCII code for “r”.


Chris the reverse ofAsc; it takes an ASCII code number and converts it to a character. This
example will give the string "A":

MsgBox Chr( 65 )

The following will give the string "i":

MsgBox Chr( 105 )

50 Microsoft Access 2010 VBA Macro Programming

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