Explore Travel Guides Colombia

(Rick Simeone) #1



There are many other forums that receive small amounts of traffic. You can find
them through search functions.


Colombia's Official Tourism Portal - http://www.colombia.travel/en/
This site is maintained by Proexport and is the Colombian government's official
tourism website. There is information about activities, destinations, festivals and
other tourist related information. This site contains a section with informative
travel blogs about Colombia.

Hostel Trail - http://www.hosteltrail.com
Hotel Trail has information about South American countries that is very useful
for backpackers and independent travelers. It has a wide range of information
and pictures of hostels in Colombia. Hostel Trail also has an engine on its site
which allows for booking of hostels in Colombia.

Paisa Tours - http://www.paisatours.com
Paisa Tours offers extensive information about Colombia. The site also has
important information about a volunteer program that assists in marine
environment protection.

Off 2 Colombia - http://www.off2colombia.com
A well-developed informational site with photos and recent articles covering all
regions of Colombia.

Country Reports - http://www.countryreports.org/Colombia
Country Reports has information on the culture and history of Colombia. It also
contains statistics and factual information about the country.

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