The Leadership Training Activity Book: 50 Exercises

(John Hannent) #1
Pick up the object and think about what you will tell us regarding how
this talisman can remind you to remember to balance your life’s
Step 3: Tell participants that it is time to share ideas.
Ask each participant to briefly explain what they chose and why it
“jumped” out at them or captured their attention. For example, “I chose
this battery. I am going to put it on my desk, and every time I feel myself
running low on energy, I am going to remember that I need a way to
recharge myself.”
Allow everyone to take a turn, keeping a balance between
seriousness and light heartedness.

Step 4: Bring the activity to a close by talking a little about talismans and their
importance in a cultural context. Encourage them to use the one they
chose today (or one they select later on) to remind them of the
importance of balance.


Take time shortly after conducting this activity to reflect on how it went, how engaged
the participants were, and what questions they raised. Then, make notes that include
how much time you actually spent on the activity.

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