The Leadership Training Activity Book: 50 Exercises

(John Hannent) #1

Step 4: Divide participants into teams of three, and give each trio one large sheet
of chart paper and a pad of 3” x 3” self-sticking notes. At the top, they
must write the goal of the meeting, as well as starting and ending times.
Demonstrate how to use the chart paper to sketch out the agenda’s
skeleton. Use one sticky note for each component of the agenda. Start
with the normal items included in an agenda, such as
 Administrative details
Each team should use the self-sticking notes for these items, and place
them on the paper. Show them on the flipchart how this is done:
Each team should first brainstorm all of the parts of this two-hour
meeting. For each topic or issue, they should prepare a separate sticky
note, which is physically placed on the large agenda sheet they are
designing. Encourage people to move items around until they get a flow
that makes sense and that provides some variety to the agenda, while
still accomplishing their goal. Tell them that agenda items are commonly
listed down the left of the page, in one column.
Step 5: When all the teams finish, post the agendas where everyone can see and
discuss each design. You are likely to see different designs that can achieve
the same goal. Praise creativity and variety of methods used in the design.
Step 6: Review agenda basics, and be sure you include these tips:
 Stick to your agenda as much as you can. Periodically review what
you think has been accomplished, and preview which items are left.
Make adjustments as needed, using group consensus. Make sure you
keep to the announced times for breaks and adjournment.
 It is very common to end up with too many items on an agenda, so
don’t be surprised when everything isn’t covered. Summarize those
items that weren’t covered, and decide with the group whether they
can be accomplished by an individual or a sub-group, or held until
the next meeting. Make a record of this decision, so individuals or
sub-groups can give reports at the next meeting. Also note the items
that will be incorporated into the next agenda.
 The agenda can be used as an outline for preparing the minutes of
the meeting or a similar report.

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